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۔۔۔She felt how his gaze kept on dodging between her eyes and her lips, and when he saw her closing her eyes a smile smeared itself on his lips before he tilted his head, he was close, almost too close, heart beating erratically, mind thoughtless, he wasn't thinking rationally and fuck he didn't even want to.

There was a sudden ringing of the phone which broke the trance, Ella's mind now functioning properly as she noticed the position she was in, her face tilted against his؛ eyes shutting in annoyance.  

She let out a breathe that she didn't know she was holding for so long, and the first thing she saw was Jeremy in front of her standing about 3 inches from the fountain, she patted Allan's arm to move him aside before jumping down to move or probably run inside the hotel not looking back even once. 

What the hell was I doing? she ruffled her hair, but instead of being relived she felt herself getting worked up, she didn't know who she was angry at, it must be Allan, but the answer was different to that, maybe she didn't want Jeremy to arrive there, maybe she did want things to be as they were۔

What the hell was I doing? she ruffled her hair, but instead of being relived she felt herself getting worked up, she didn't know who she was angry at, it must be Allan, but the answer was different to that, maybe she didn't want Jeremy to arrive ...

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Oh shut up Ella. she thought to herself, feeling extremely hot for no reason, further taking two tequila shots which didn't help either. 

Allan saw the blonde male standing in front, he felt irritated, angry,frustrated and ridiculous. why does it have to be now out of all this time, he moved past the blonde not in mood for any conversation for he knew he would break his jaw. 

"Friends with benefits wohoo" the blonde whistled,
"No, but you can say friends who can kick your ass, how's your hand there?" Allan said trying to end this conversation so the blonde won't cling onto him.

He was trying his hard to remain calm these days, Jeremy hid his hand behind still pushing his buttons.

"Is she a good kisser?" Allan stopped containing himself, his fist clenched, when he didn't reply، the blonde picked on. 

"Ofcourse she must be۔" he walked towards the brunette voice turning into a whisper 

"Maybe I should give it a try." Allan paused, swallowing hard, squeezing his eyes shut, trying to contain, but that didn't work. Charged, he threw up his forearms like a bolt, and it hit the latter so hard that he fell down, before he could even have a chance to get stable, a kick was placed on his shin followed by another punch as blood trail down his nose, 

"You shouldn't have tested me when I was pissed off." he raised his fist once again,
"I should probably break your jaw so I won't have to hit you all the time." Before the latter could feel any pain, Allan was dragged back, 

Vic held his arm asking him to calm down, but Allan just pulled away walking off in a fast pace. He wasn't in mood of anything right now, not even wanting to see Ella, she just left out of nowhere, and what pissed him off more, was her giving in. If she wanted to walk away she shouldn't have lead him on.

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