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"Park!" I look at the door step when I saw my friend smiling at my boss.

"Yang, can I talk to Manoban?" yeah, even my boss is my boss, we're still friends.

"Of course Park! Lisa, go on for now" I bow at my boss before going out of the counter.

My boss is really kind, no jokes but Park is more kind because he's the one who introduce me to him.

"What is it Park?" I ask him while we're at the back of café. Ohh.. yeah, I'm working at a café to support me and my little sister.

"I have a proposal for you" he said and smile at me. I raise my eyebrow, what proposal it that? He want me to be a worker on his company?

But the scholar and this work is enough for the both of us. "What is it?" I ask him.

He cleared his troat, probably thinking I won't accept his proposal but I'm pretty sure I will accept it if it's personal and he needs help.

"I want you to marry my daughters" he said and close his eyes tightly.

"Ahh... marry you- WAIT WHAT!? YOU KNOW THAT THEY HATE ME!?" I yelled to him.

"That's what I'm also thinking, I know you won't agree but.... you're the perfect for them" he said, clearly pleading.

"I won't do it, I'll give you a favor but I won't agree on your proposal" I said to him.

"Really!? A favor?" he ask and I nod my head towards him.

Geez! This man really didn't know how to control his daughters and now he want me to marry them!?

"I want you to agree on my proposal" he plead.
"I can't Park, you know that they hate me!" I replied.

"I know but you're the only one can make them back to normal" he said to me.

I sigh, I can't do anything because he help me big time. "What will I do?"

"Are you going to agree?" he ask me with hopeful eyes. I just nod my head and he suddenly hug me.

"This is just my payment for all the thing that you do to me Park" I said to him and he nod.
Here's a prologue? I wanted to have a prologue :)

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