23: Elevator

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Lisa's PoV
We finally come at the building. Wow, I didn't even come here at his building and it's really big.

"Woah" I exclaim and look around. I can clearly see that someone is looking at me so I look around to see everyone looking at me.

Huh? Why are they even looking at me? "Yah! Why didn't you wear your glasses!?" Nayeon whisper yelled at me.

"Huh? What's wrong with my face today? I just tried it" I said to her and look at her eyes.

"Tss... always wear your glasses.... because you look handsome that's why they are looking at you" she said but whisper the last words.

Huh? What did she said again? "What is it?" I ask and lean my face closer to her face.

She seems shock and blush. She's looking at my eyes like there's no tomorrow then look at my lips before looking away.

"A-anyways, let's g-go now" she said and drag me towards the elevator. "Y-yah! We're g-going to ride t-that?" I ask her.

She look behind her and nod her head. "Wae? Is there a problem?" she ask and drag me inside.

Aish! I'm not comfortable inside the small spaces! "Can we just walk at the stairs?" I ask her eyeing the elevator which is about to close.

"Appa's floor is on 25th floor so no" she said to me and smile. Aish! What if the elevator suddenly collapse? Yah! I'm not ready to die!

"Yah! Why are you so quiet?" Nayeon ask and turn her attention to me. I look at her with a scared face.

"I'm not actually not comfortable to small spaces" I said to her. "Really?" she ask and smirk.

She suddenly lean forwards to my face. "Y-yah! Not that space!" I said to her that made her pout.

Oh my! Just a little space then our lips are going to make contract. "Can you give me a kiss?~" she ask that made me shock.

"What? Im Nayeon, who hates me the most want a kiss?" I ask her as I lean my face more closer to her face.

She smirk at me and about to lean her face more closer to my face- or should I say she's about to kiss me- when the lights turn off.

I look around, gosh! This is what I've been thinking! "Yah! T-this why I d-don't want to b-be inside the e-elevator!?" I exclaim and walk around.

"Relax, it's gonna turn on later" Nayeon said and try to calm me down. "No! It won't!" I yelled to her that cause her to flinch.

"I-i'm sorry, I.... I didn't m-mean to y-yell at y-you" I said to her and sat down on the cold metal floor.

She sigh and sat down beside me. "You seems off today, what happen?" she ask me as I finally calm down.

"Nothing, just remember something" I said to her. It's true tho, dad said that I got in an accident before we go towards Busan.

He said that I was just on the side of the road- because he's buying something on the store- and a car literally hit me.

Yeah, I don't even know why the driver hit me and run away after that. We didn't even have money so why does the driver want.

"Hey! What is happening? You really seems.... weird" she said to me that made me snapped out of my thoughts.

"I said I just remember something!" I yelled that cause her to flinch and back away.

"I-i'm really s-sorry" I said to her and bow multiple times. "It's fine Lisa" she said and held my shoulder.

I look up, seeing her eyes with worried once- not the usual eyes that I always meet if ever we're at school, the eyes that full of harted.

"You can always tell me something" she said to me sweetly and smile afterwards. I sigh in relief, I then sat down again and lean my head on the cold wall.

"I had a dream" I said to her that made her look at me. "About?" she ask and lean her head on my shoulder.

"About a ghost" I said to her and laugh. She quickly pulled away and smack my arm.

"Yah! I'm asking you seriously!" she yelled at me. I then stop laughing and look at her.

"It's so serious, I'm getting uncomfortable" I said to her and lean my back again at the cold wall while she lean her head on my shoulder again.

"So... is it really a dream or what?" she ask me. I sigh again, "I had this weird dream when I'm at the hospital and last night" I said to her.

She hummed at me saying that I should continue what I am saying. "This one girl- well they are actually three- said to my little self that I shouldn't go away" I said.

"I even call that girl 'Bunny' because of her front teeth" I said that made Nayeon froze on her spot.

Huh? Wae? "You seems intense, wae?" I ask as she look at me with teary eyes. Why? I didn't even told her my sad story.

"N-nothing, just c-continue" she said I nod my head and look at my reflection again. Nayeon is still looking at my direction and it's creeping me out.

"She's taller than me, bigger hands when I was a child but I think I'm taller than her now" I said and smile.

"And I see a ring on her finger, with teary eyes like yours...." I said and look at her reflection.

She still had her tears at her eyes. "She even look like you" I said and smile.

"I don't know who's that person is... but I feel like I already meet her like now, in present" I said to her.

"What d-does the p-person call y-you?" Nayeon ask as she sniff. I look at her and smile, "my father always call me Ppeu ppeu" I said to her that made her held her mouth.

"Yah! What happen?" I exclaim and walk closer to her. "Ppeu ppeu?" she ask and I look at her.

"Yes, that's what the person sa-" I got cut off when she suddenly hug me. "Uhh... is there a problem Nayeon?" I ask her and tap her back.

She pulled out of the hug and sniff. "Y-you don't r-remember her n-name?" she ask as she wiped her tears.

"No, all I know is that I call her Bunny" I said and gave her a smile. I hug her again, she's crying so hard right now.

"C-can I call y-you Ppeu ppeu then?" she ask as she lean her face on my neck. "You can, I can all accept what nickname you want" I said and smile.

Suddenly, the lights turn on and the elevator eventually go upwards. "I guess, the elevator is now moving" I said to her as I stand up them help her afterwards.

Nayeon's PoV
I don't know if she's really my Ppeu ppeu but base on her story, it all describe like how me and Ppeu ppeu separated.

I don't also know why she couldn't remember me. What happen to you Ppeu ppeu? I'm here...... your... Bunny.

Can't you see me? I thought I already broke my promise that I will wait for you but no, you're there all the time.

I'm so sorry if I hurt you Ppeu ppeu, will you accept me again? Do you even love me? Because I am.

I love you Ppeu ppeu..... or Lisa. I love you and I couldn't find the urge to tell you my feelings.

I miss your smile, your hugs everytime when we're going to be separated, I miss the stones that we will always made.

But I know.... deep down your heart, you can recognize me. I'll help you remember me and our memorise for that 1 month.
Here's an update!! Hope y'all like the chapter!

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