25: Sister

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No one's PoV
Lisa and Nayeon finally came at Jinyoung's office. Jinyoung is actually at the meeting like how Hwasa said to them.

Lisa look around the office, she didn't really know that Jinyoung have a big office.

Her gaze suddenly turn to the picture frame at Jinyoung's shelf. It actually have nine picture frame with Jinyoung's frame in the middle.

She eyed every picture frame and 3 faces look familiar to her- well, everyone feel familiar to her but the 3 faces are familiar to her.

Nayeon on the other hand is just looking at Lisa with love and longing eyes.

"Nayeon-ah~" Lisa called and look at Nayeon who she caught staring at her.

"Yes Ppeu ppeu?" Nayeon ask. She misses that nickname when the younger left her and never comeback.

"Do you know who they are?" Lisa ask as she point at the 3 particular picture frame.

Nayeon look at where the latter is pointing out and she saw that she's pointing at their picture frames.

"That?" Nayeon ask as she stand up from the couch and approach the picture frames.

Lisa nod her head even tho Nayeon isn't looking at her. "That's us" Nayeon said and held her picture frame.

"The 3 picture frames are familiar- well, everyone seems familiar but that frame and the this two are really familiar" Lisa said as she point at Nayeon's, Dahyun's and Sana's frame.

Nayeon look at her in confusion, 'how will Ppeu ppeu know my sisters when I didn't even introduce her?' Nayeon said to herself.

But she shrugged it off and put the frame back at the shelf. "Ohh... you two are already here" the two of them look at the door to see Jinyoung.

"Hi dad!" Nayeon happily said and hug her father. Jinyoung smile and hug his daughter back.

"You seems happy? What happen huh? You even hug me" Jinyoung said as he walk towards his seat.

"Nothing" Nayeon said and smile at her father before averting her gaze at the girl who's roaming her eyes around the office.

Jinyoung look at where his daughter is looking at and saw that she's looking at Lisa.

'I guess Lisa open up to her.... but did you really remember who they are now Lisa?' Jinyoung thought for himself.

Jeongyeon's PoV
Aish! Where is that Nabongs and that nerd now!? We've been waiting for them since earlier!

We're actually inside the classroom right now, same goes with Tzuyu, Dahyun and Chaeyoung that is at the next classroom.

"Ms. Yoo, are you listening?" my thoughts got cut off when the teacher called me.

"Yes?" I ask and look at her. She seems surprise same with my other classmate.

Wae? Why are they like that? "I didn't know that you will answer me" she said to me.

Ahh.... right, we're not answering them even if they are angry. "Can't I?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow.

"No but.... you seems down, what happen?" she ask with worried eyes. "What are you saying? I'm ok" I said to her and look outside.

"Ok" she said and walk in front of the class and start teaching again.

No one's PoV
"How is she Hanbin?" Taeyeon ask as soon as Hanbin answer the phone.

"I don't know, I didn't even visit her school" Hanbin answer to her. "What? Didn't I told you to transfer at her school!?" Taeyeon yelled.

"I didn't do it and besides.... we can go together so that Naeun will be happy" Hanbin said to her and smile widely.

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