7: Ring

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Momo's PoV
We're now here at our father's mansion. He said that the person is at his mansion and we're going to talk at everything.

I just don't who's that person is, after all dad can't just talk to someone and they just agree.

He have a high standard anyway so I might just trust him for this.

"My daughters" we look at the side and we saw father with wide open arms. "Hi dad" we all said.

He engulf all of us on his arms and broke it really fast. "I know that you won't accept this person but trust me, she's very suitable for this" he said.

What!? A girl!? I thought it will be a boy! "Really dad? A girl?" Nayeon unnie said to him.

"I know, you all are straight but just trust me with this ok? We just need this so that the boys will stay away" he said.

He's right tho. I don't want to be with anyone of that creepy boys. I just have this feeling that they aren't trustworthy.

"Momo unnie!" I got startle when Dahyun called me. "Huh?" I said to her.

She sigh and signal me to come with her. "You've been spacing out unnie, dad said that the person is at the dining area" she said.

"Dad!" we heard a yelled from the dining area. We both run towards the dining area to see them glaring at Lisa?

"Dad, what is she doing here!?" Jeongyeon unnie ask. "I know that you 9 need someone who can act so here she is" dad said.

What the actually heck!? What is he thinking!? "You 9 have no more choices ok? She's the one who can help you all" he said.

I think there's still a choice right. "Dad, maybe there's still anyone who can be the one with us... just not her" Sana said.

Lisa's PoV
Tss... I'm here to fully help them then they are just going to decline? What a waste of time.

"Park" I called for him. The girls glare at me calling him 'Park'. "Yes?" he said and look at me.

"They don't want my help so I should get out of here now because my sister is finding me, for sure" I said to him and smile.

"Uhh... just wait a little longer Lis, I'll just talk to them" he said and walk away.

The girls glare at me again before leaving, following Jinyoung. I sigh, I look at my watch and saw it's already 6 in the evening.

I still need to cook for our dinner. I then get my phone and dial Yeji's number.

"Unnie! Where are you now? Are you going home now? I'm already hungry~" she whined and I giggle.

"Hello too, Yeji" I said to her. "I'm actually at Jinyoung's house, I'm gonna be late for a moment" I added.

"Really? What does Jinyoung appa want?" she always call Jinyoung appa because Jingyoung said that he can be his daughter too.

"Well, I'll tell you everything if I'm already there but for now, just get something on the fridge so that you and Lia can have a snack again" I said to her.

"Ne, I'll get going now unnie, the phone is really great" she said and giggle. "Of course, your unnie have a great taste" I said to her.

"Tss.... we'll have snack now unnie, bye love you unnie!" she said and hang up the call.

"Tss.... just don't eat all of the food inside- and why did she even hang up the call when I still need to say something!?" I ask myself.

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