30: Lisa

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Nayeon's PoV
It's been 2 months since we're married to Lisa. I got a talked to that girl who make Lisa walk away and she said she's Lisa's ex-girlfriend.

Tss... that's nothing for me, I'm her wife afterall. We're now heading towards the school because we're gonna get busy.

I don't know why dad want us to run the school. Lisa isn't wearing her glasses now, she didn't know where her glasses are.

The sleeping routine will start later and Sana is a lucky snake to be honest.

We also gave her a contacts because she said that she's uncomfortable wearing other glasses.

"Lisa" I called as I saw her at the garden. She then turn around to see me and smile at me.

"You need something Bunny?" she ask as I walk to her direction.

I smile at her and sat beside her. "Nothing, I just wanted to give you something" I said to her.

She look down at me and smile, "what is it?" she ask as I get the box at the pocket of my skirt.

"Here" I said to her and she get the box with curious eyes. "Open it" I said to her and smile widely.

She look at the box curiously and open the box. It's a new clear contact lense, I know it's hard to wear a contact that is not your grade right?

Her grade is actually 200 and 500, that's kinda high for her right? Well, it's her eye grade.

"Wow" she said that made me snapped out of my thoughts. "Thanks for this Nayeon" she said and hug me.

I froze, didn't know that she will hug me. I hug her back and feel her warmth, I miss it really.

"Lisa!" our moment suddenly got broke when someone shout her name. Tss.... what a cockblock?

I turn my head to the door entrance and rolled my eyes when I saw Momo.

She then glare at me when she saw then smile when her eyes landed on Lisa. "Yes Momoring?" Lisa ask and smile at her.

Tss.... that smile should be mine. And Momo did the same thing, she give Lisa the contact and Lisa hug her.

"Lisa!" Momo and Lisa's moments got cut off when someone shout Lisa's name.

We look to where the voice came and saw Mina with Sana and Tzuyu at her side. They are glaring at each other.

They turn to Lisa's direction and smile then glare at me and Momo. "Lisa!" all of us look where the voice came and saw Dahyun with Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon.

And the thing also happen, Lisa hug all of us while us glaring at each other.
*End of flashback*

That's what happen, she now have 9 contact lense and I don't know if she's really wearing it.

"Nayeon!" I look at my right to see Yeri with Joy running to my direction.

"What?" I ask as soon as they reach my direction. "Unnie, didn't you know?" she ask that made me confused.

"Know what?" Mina ask them quietly. "About Lisa" Miyeon and Solar came out of nowhere.

"What about Lisa?" Sana ask. "Just come inside the university and you will know" Jisoo and Rosé came out of nowhere.

"Aish! Why are you all even here?" Jeongyeon ask them. "Because we wanted to know all your reaction" Sorn and Wheein came out of nowhere.

"Yeah, we got shock when we saw that" Shuhua said out of nowhere and came with Elkie.

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