9: Living

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Lisa's PoV
I'm here inside my classroom. The lunch is great, Yeji and Lia are with us earlier and Jennie unnie's boyfriend, Kai.

I'm just here in front of the class because they say, the nerds should be in front not at the back- that's their property.

I'm actually answering the quiz- which is so easy but I don't know why they protest.

I suddenly got out of my thoughts when someone knock on the door. I just finish my test earlier anyway.

"Yes Ms. Bae" I look at the door seeing Irene unnie looking at our teacher. "Can I borrow Ms. Manoban for awhile?" she ask politely.

"What do you need this time?" Mrs. Lee ask and cross her arms. She's one of the strict teacher here inside our classroom.

"I just need to discuss something to her Mrs. Lee" Irene unnie said coldly. That's my Irene unnie! She don't want to be defeated.

"If it's important then, Ms. Manoban can go" Mrs. Lee said and I stand up from my seat.

I walk towards Irene unnie's direction and she glare at me. What did I do this time huh?

When I finally came at her direction, she quickly drag me outside by pulling my ear. "Aya! Unnie, it hurts!" I said to her.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're getting married!?" she half yelled to me. Wait, how did she know!?

"Mr. Park is there at the principal's office, he wanted to talk to you" she said to me and drag me towards the principal's office.

"I don't want to tell you because I know that you'll decline it unnie" I said to her. She them stop from dragging me and look at me.

"I know, I don't want any of them to be your wife Lis, you know that I love you because you look like my little sister" she said and hug me.

I hug her back, "I know unnie, I love you too of course" I said to her. She broke the hug and wiped her tears, didn't know that she's crying.

"Don't cry unnie" I said to her and wiped her tears that keeps on flowing down on her beautiful face.

"I just don't want you getting hurt, you know that how much I hate it right?" she said to me. I nod my head as an answer.

She really doesn't want me getting hurt. "Just promise me that you won't get hurt again ok?" she said.

"Of course unnie, I won't let them hurt me" I said to her. She then look at me with a confused face, "them?" she ask.

"Jinyoung actually wanted me to marry his all daughters" I said to her and scratch my nape.

"So you will look like you're a timer then?" she ask me. "Yeah, I mean no-yeah.... no- Aish! I don't know unnie" I said to her.

She smile at me and pat my head. "Let's just go Lis, Mr. Park is probably waiting for you there" she said and drag me again.

Jihyo's PoV
We're now here standing at the principal's office. "Tss... where's that nerd now? Did she already back out?" Jeongyeon unnie ask.

"Just wait for awhile Jeongyeon" dad said. We've been waiting for her like half an hour because we're not classmate- well in other subjects yes, we're classmates.

"Park" we all look at the door and we saw the nerd. Tss... she's already late. "I'm sorry Mr. Park, Lisa did something very important" Irene unnie said.

"That's alright Ms. Bae, you may go now" dad said to her. Irene unnie then look at Lisa and smile.

"I'll get going now Lis" Irene unnie said and kiss Lisa's cheeks. Lisa did the same thing and hug her for a moment.

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