29: New students

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Momo's PoV
"Yah! Where's your glasses!?" Nayeon unnie yelled when we step inside the car. We're now heading towards the school after eating at the Kim's residence.

Yeah, they made us eat even tho we already eat at the house. We planned on going to school as early as we can because of Lisa.

But she's still aren't in school after an hour so we decided to go at the Kim's residence.

"I forgot where I place it last night" Lisa said as she give Nayeon unnie a peace sign.

"Aish! The student will always approach you because of your handsome face!" Nayeon unnie yelled that cause Lisa to flinch.

Lisa look down on her lap, "I'm not handsome" she said and shook her head multiple times.

I examine her face, she have this big doe eyes- not as big as Jihyo's ok?-, pink kissable lips, perfect shaped nose and a very perfect jawline.

She's..... beautifully handsome to be honest, she can make the girls drool over her.

"Yah! Wear glasses!" Mina yelled that cause us to cover our ears. Wow, didn't know Mina can yell like that.

"But I don't have any extra glasses" Lisa mumble. We suddenly become silent and look at her.

"Ugh! This is nonsense" Jeongyeon whisper but enough for us to hear.

"Young masters, we're here now" the driver said as he open the door of the van. Yes, we decided to just rode the van.

"OMG! Twice is here now!"
"Nayeon marry me!"
"Tzuyu is so cute!"
"Chaeng get me pregnant!"
"Who's that girl?"
"Wow, that girl is hot!"
"She must be one of the new student"

"New students?" I said as I look at Sana. She's the one who's managing the transferee students.

"Yeah, they are three eventually" she said as she shrugged her shoulder and walk away.

"Yah! Come back here!" I yelled but she didn't move an inch. "Yah! Get away from her!" I heard Nayeon unnie said.

I look at the back to see Lisa and Nayeon unnie struggling to get out from the people's crowd.

"OMG! Look guys! She's so handsome!" one of the student said as she examine Lisa's face.

"Aish! This brats! I said get away from her!" Tzuyu angrily said and push the students away from Lisa.

"Buddy!" the ruckus suddenly died down when Seulgi yelled. "Seulgi!" Lisa said and run to the latter and gave her a hug.

"I thought you will come here with Jennie, where is she?" Irene ask as soon as she came from the view.

"She's still at the house" Lisa answer and hug Irene unnie. The older then hug her back and pat her back.

"Lili!" we heard a voice again and we look at where the voice came from and Jennie is already here.

"Nini!" Lisa yelled and run Jennie's direction. I sigh, I wish she also do that to me.

Aish! Stop thinking like that Momo, you always bully her ok? So stop that!

Lisa's PoV
We're now here inside the classroom. Students is still staring at me and it make me uncomfortable.

"Tss... she's still the nerd" I heard Taehyung mumble. He's far from me but I still can hear him mumble.

And that's how quiet here inside our classroom. "Good morning- ohh... I thought we only have 3 transferee student" the professor walked inside our classroom.

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