15: Monday

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Lisa's PoV
It's already Monday! My favorite day because school is starting again!

I sleep here at my room because Jeongyeon didn't want to sleep with me. Yeah, she just lock herself when we finally came here at the house.

I then stand up from my bed and walk towards the bathroom. I still keep missing Yeji every night but last Saturday, I didn't.

Was it because of Nayeon? I mean Ms. Im, and I'm surprise when I woke up at the bed.

Did I sleep walk and walk towards the other side to sleep? Gosh! Nayeon will probably kill me when she saw me on her side.

But she didn't, she just ignore me and I don't know what I did to her. Gosh! If I'm really tired I don't know what I am doing.

I then finish washing my body and walk towards the walk in closet. Ugh, I gotta need to buy some new clothes.

I then get something, I need to be presentable today because.... I just don't know hehe.

I then walk out of my bedroom and walk down the stairs. I'm not in the mood to cook for breakfast so I'll just get a apple and walk out of the house.

I don't care if they found the dining table without foods because I'm not really in the mood.

I probably have a period now? Wait! I don't even have a womanhood! Aish! Is this the effect of not getting a great sleep!?

"Unnie!" I snapped out when Yeji yelled. I didn't know that I already arrive at school. "Yej!" I yelled back and she run to my direction.

I quickly catch her and hug her tight. "I already miss you unnie" she whisper to my ear.

"Then why didn't you show up!? You told me that we'll have a date at Sunday!" I quickly put Yeji down and look at the direction where the voice came from.

"Like I said, I'm busy yesterday" Irene unnie replied tiredly. I chuckle at them, Seulgi then look at my direction.

"And you! Where are you last Saturday and Sunday!? I didn't saw you at your apartment same with Yeji!" she yelled to us.

I gulp, I didn't know that she's going to go to our old apartment. "Uhh.... at the amusement park...?" I said more like asking her.

I look at Irene unnie and she just nod her head while smiling. Seulgi then saw me look at Irene unnie so she look at her too.

"What?" Irene unnie ask as she put an innocent face. "If I ever heard that you're cheating on me with this bastard..." she said and point at my direction.

What the hell!? Why would I be in a relationship with Irene unnie!? "You already did" Seulgi said to me.

Huh? When? "When Author-nim write your first story, that's LisRene right?" Yeji said. She's not there right? How did she know?

"Well, Yeji is at Idol's secret marriage life when Author-nim decided to upload the bodyguard which you and Jisoo are a couple and she's there also" Irene unnie said.

Wow, I thought I can hide that one. "Ehh? That's a different personality" I said to them.

"Unnie is right Seulgi unnie, that's a different personality" Yeji approve and Irene unnie nod her head.

Wait, aish! How can they even tell that!? We already got a new plot ok!? "Yeah yeah, whatever" Seulgi said.

She then glare at me and Irene unnie. "Tell me, are you two are together last Saturday and Sunday?" she ask us.

I then look at Irene unnie and she just shook her head. "We're not together last time" I said and gave her a fake smile.

She eyed us for a minute and nod her head. "Even tho that looks like a lie.... I'll accept it" she said to us and I smile happily.

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