20: Cooking date with Momo

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Momo's PoV
We finally come back home. We successfully escape from Jennie's question when the nurse came telling that Lisa is discharge.

"Just rest inside your bedroom for now Lisa" Nayeon unnie said. I widen my eyes, no way! Lisa is going to sleep with me.

Before I could even protest, Lisa nod her head and walk upstairs. "Wait! Lisa!" I yelled but I guess she didn't hear me.

"Go to your respective bedrooms now and let's all rest" Mina said quietly and walk upstairs.

Ugh! What will I do then? I'm hungry because I didn't even get to eat lunch- well, we eat lunch when we're at the hospital but still! I'm hungry.~

Whatever, I'm just going to sleep and imagine that I'll have jokbal. I quickly ran to my bedroom and jump inside my night gown.

I then walk towards my bed and position to sleep. I hope to see the jokbals.


Ugh! I can't sleep! I them pick my phone and check the time. It's already 1 in the morning and yet I'm still awake.

I then walk down the stairs to see that the lights on the kitchen is open. Who's awake at this time? Maybe it's one of the maids.

But I quickly held the baseball bat that is near the kitchen entrance and peek for a little.

I saw a figure, a woman figure that is looking at the fridge. I then walk forward to see that back is from Lisa.

"Lisa? What are you doing this last at night?" I ask as she flinch. I then put down the baseball bat on the side as she turn around.

"I'm sorry Ms. Hirai but... I'm hungry" she said and look away clearly embarrass from what she said.

I smile, I'm also hungry that's why I'm here. "It's alright, you can go and eat" I said to her as she smile at me and get something from the fridge.

"Why didn't you get the already cook meal?" I ask her as she look at me. "Ahh~ I don't want to eat those, it's so expensive" she said.

"You can eat does" I said to her and walk to her side. "I don't want the taste of expensive, it's nothing with this" she said as she show me a recipe.

"What are you going to do with that?" I ask her as she look at the piece of paper.

"Oh... I'm going to cook kimchi fried rice" she said as she smile. "What's that meal?" I ask her again.

"You don't know that meal? Well, I'll cook it and just help me with somethings if I need too" she said as she smile.

"Ok" I said as I sit down on the chair. I suddenly saw that there's no pan and spatula at the things that she need.

"Where's the pan and the spatula?" I ask her as she stop chopping on something. "Ohh.. I don't know where your maids place it Ms. Hirai" she said to me.

Could you drop out that fucking Ms Hirai? Jus call me wifey or whatever you want. Ugh! I'm talking to myself again!

"Let me find it for you" I said as I stand up from my seat. I then open the cabinet where I usually see the pan and the drawer where the spatula is but there's nothing.

"Where did they even put it?" I mumble to myself. "I'll just find it later Ms. Hirai" she said not looking to me.

"No, I'll find it and help you cook with that and please drop the Ms. Hirai it's so annoying" I said but mumble the last words.

"Huh? What is it again?" she ask as she look at me with a raise brow. "Nothing, I said call me whatever you want" I said to her and smile.

"Ok..... Momoring~" she said and smile. Damn, it feels good to have a nickname with your crush- Wait what? Crush? What the hell are you even thinking!?

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