37: The 3 days

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Tzuyu's PoV
I walk away, looking at somewhere in daze. What? She did a DNA test for her daughter and now taht it's true, she just keep on hurting us!

Jihyo unnie sat on the floor while looking at somewhere also. Momo unnie came back from being sims while Jeongyeon, Mina, Chaeyoung, Sana and Nayeon unnie is still reading the paper.

Dahyun unnie is also like Momo unnie. "This isn't true dad right?" Jeongyeon unnie ask but appa just sigh at her.

"Accept it, that's the truth" he said to all of us. "She's really my child" Lisa said and stand up from where she is seating and get the paper.

"That's a real bullshit" Nayeon unnie said to her and get the paper.

"Hey! Give it back" Lisa said but she's too late to retrive the paper because Sana unnie already tear it apart.

"What did you do!?" Lisa ask and kneel down to get the teared paper. "That thing is bullshit Pran, don't get it" Mina unnie said quietly.

Lisa stop from getting the teared paper but she quickly get it then stand up. "Unnie, who's your child?" Yeji ask her sister.

Lisa look at her and smile. "I'll tell you everything later Yej" she said and look at all of us.

"Why would you even call it bullshit? Doesn't your attitude is the one?" she ask as she look at Nayeon unnie intently.

"And you, I thought you won't be the same as her" she added and point at Mina unnie. "What's bullshit in Nayeon unnie's attitude?" I ask her and she turn to my direction.

"Because she won't even act like that if she's not with that Ppeu ppeu of hers" she said that made Nayeon unnie to gasp.

"Y-you already k-know?" Nayeon unnie ask as her eyes get teary.

"Yes, I just remember it yesterday" she said and grinned on Nayeon unnie.

"And I'm really disappointed that I come back again" she said to all of us and walk towards the living room.

"She said that to me yesterday and she's upset to me yesterday" appa said and walk upstairs to give us a privacy.

"Ohh... I gotta call my friends to know how's their feeling at the vacation" Yeji said and walk upstairs to make a call.

"We're just doomed" Dahyun unnie said and walk towards the living room. We saw Lisa looking at the TV with a unreadable expression.

We sometimes saw her looking at the TV with a smile but today is different.

"Why are you all standing there? Seat down Ms. Im, Ms. Yoo, Ms. Hirai, Ms. Minatozaki, Ms. Park, Ms. Myoui, Ms. Kim, Ms. Son and Ms. Chou" she said and look at our direction.

We all obey her order like a puppy and sat down away from her. Yeah, we're just seating at a single couch.

"There's still a space here? Why don't some of you seat here because that couch is pitiful" she said and we all look at each other who's going to sea beside her.

"You can go there Sana unnie, you said that you like her right?" Dahyun unnie said to her.

"What? Chaeyoung said that" Sana unnie said and point at Chaeyoung.

"I'm not the one, Mina said that she love her" she said and point at Mina unnie.

"No no, it's Nayeon unnie" Mina unnie said and point at Nayeon unnie.

"What? It's Momo because she love her cookings" she said and look at Momo unnie.

"Tzuyu like her to be her archery buddy" Momo unnie said and point at my direction.

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