26: Past

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Tzuyu's PoV
What? My sisters? "What do you mean?" I ask as I get my phone and place the phone on my ear.

"Ms. Chou, the persons that the girl graved at the tree are your sisters, we already check it all and we learn that they are also friends with her" he said.

"Are you sure?" I ask as I clean the table. I don't want to eat now, it just ruin my mood.

"Yes" he said as I hang up. I can't believe that they are also friends with my Priya.

Now it all makes sense, from why they are crying last time when Priya leave Seoul. But if Lisa is Priya, why can't she remember me? Or anyone of us?

"I need to find what happen to her" I mumble and text his number.

Nayeon's PoV
I can't still believe it, Ppeu ppeu is right beside me walking while roaming her eyes around JYP Building.

Appa said that I should give her a tour so yeah. "Here we have the cafeteria for all the employees" I said as we walk inside the cafeteria.

As we walk inside, all the staff got startle because the CEO's daughter walk inside. Yeah, we never eat here if we're here at the building.

"Let's eat?" I said while smiling showing her my bunny teeth. She smile back at me and nod.

We then walk towards the counter and get some plate then chopstick. "What do you want to eat?" I ask her.

"Anything" she said as she look at the gamjatang. I smile, she likes gamjatang? I should learn how to cook gamjatang so that I can give her that.

"I know that you want to eat this so I'll put it ok?" I said to her as I put gamjatang at her plate.

She smile widely, "thank you Bunny" she said. I smile, I miss that nickname that you would always call me.

"You're always welcome Ppeu ppeu" I said as I pinch her cheeks. "Yah! That hurts!" she said and rub her cheeks.

I giggle at her cuteness, I know it hurts but the painful one is why can't you remember me?

"Sorry" I said to her and kiss her cheeks that made her froze. What? She's not used to it? She even stole my first kiss when we're child!

"Nayeon!" I look at the door entrance but regret when I saw that annoying Jake. I rolled my eyes, this worker of my father.

"Nayeon-ah~ how are you?" he ask as he approach me and about to hug me but I back away.

He frown but quickly change into a happy one when I look at him. "How's your day?" he ask but I didn't answer him.

"Ppeu ppeu" I called that made Lisa look at me. She's actually getting some kimchi.

"Yes?" she look at me with those innocent eyes. "Let's go?" I said and smile at her. She nod her head, smile at me as I cling my arms on her arms.

I can sense that Jake look at my arm that cling on her and glare at Lisa. "Let's go" she said and we march towards the table.

"Who's that? You didn't even introduce me to your friend" Lisa said that made me make a cringe.

Hell no, I won't be friends with that creep. "He's not my friend Ppeu ppeu" I said to her as we finally sat down at the table.

"Really? But he's friendly" she said and look at Jake. Gosh! Can't she just shut up?

"Can you just shut up? You're so annoying" I said and get my chopstick to eat. "Sorry" she mumble and eat her food.

Jinyoung's PoV
"Hello?" I said as I answer my phone. "Mr. Park... Ms. Chou wanted to know what happen to Ms. Manoban" he said to me.

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