19: Hospital

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Mina's PoV
"Gosh! You're so heavy" I exclaim as I finally make her stand up. "Ma'am" I look at where the voice came and it came from the girl.

"What happen to her ma'am?" she ask as she called for the others to help us.

"She got beaten up, can you please heal her wounds?" I said as I look at them with hopeful eyes. "Of course ma'am, we'll do our work now" the girl said to me.

"Thank you" I said as I also come with them. "Just wait here for a moment ma'am, we'll just going to clean her wounds" she said to me.

I just stand here at the side of the room. "Should I call unnies for this?" I ask myself. It's not bad if I'm going to tell it to them right?

But I kinda wanted to take care of her for this day only. I don't really know what's happening to me. Help me guys!

My thoughts suddenly got cut off when Lisa's phone rang. Why do she have this kind of phone? Can't she buy like iPhone? I saw Yeji has an iPhone.

I'll just buy her some other time. I look at the caller and it's Irene unnie. I quickly answer it and put it on my ear.

"Yah! Lalisa! Where are you!?" she shout that cause me to get the phone away from my ears. Damn, that hurts like hell.

"Irene unnie..." I said to her. The other line suddenly got quiet, "is that Mina?" I suddenly heard someone's voice.

"That's n-not her J-jennie" Irene unnie said to Jennie unnie. "Then why does it sounds like hers? Does Lisa and you have a secret from me and Seulgi?" she ask her.

"And to Yeji too? I can't believe the two of you!" Jennie unnie said to Irene unnie. "That's not like it ok? We-" I cut her off.

"This is me Jennie unnie" I said calmly to her. "What did you do to Lisa huh? Did you hurt her?" she ask me coldly.

"I didn't, just come to the nearest hospital when you drive out of the school" I said and hang up.

Are we got caught? Omo! What will she do if she heard that I'm married to Lisa? Yah! What if she unfriend Lisa because I'm married to her and bully her?

My thoughts got cut off again. Aish! Why are they always cutting it off. "Hello?" I answer my phone right away.

"Yah! Myoui Mina! Where are you and Lisa!?" I get my phone away from my ears and look at the caller.

It's Nayeon unnie, Omo! "H-hi Nayeon u-unnie...?" I said more like asking her.

"I'm asking you Mina, where are you and Lisa?" she ask more calmly now. "We're at the hospital" I said to her.

"What!? What happen to Lisa!?" Dahyun ask, clearly panicking from the other line.

I sigh and told them what I saw earlier. "We're coming there" I heard Momo said and Nayeon unnie quickly hang up.

Lisa's PoV
"Ppeu ppeu!" I look at where the voice came from and I saw a little girl with bunny teeth.

"Bunny!" I look at the other side and I saw myself? Wait, what is happening?

"Ppeu ppeu, don't leave me please" the bunny teeth girl exclaim while looking at my little self with teary eyes.

"I'll be back Bunny, just wait for me ok?" myself said to her. "Wait, who is she? I didn't know her" I said to myself but she didn't even look at me.

"Pran!" I look behind to see my father. "I gotta go Bunny, I hope you'll wait fow me" my little self said and kiss the little girl's lips.

Wait, did I just give that girl my first kiss? Yah! Who is she?

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