21: Lisa and Nayeon

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Nayeon's PoV
Today, we'll be heading towards the school again. This is our daily life, wake up, eat, then school. Just repeating everything.

"Ms. Im, your father is calling" one of the maid said and I get the phone from her.

"Yes dad?" I said as soon as I get the phone. "Nayeon, I need help from the company can you come over?" he ask.

"Of course, I'll just ask my sisters if-" he cut me off. "No, I don't want all of you to be excuse ok? And besides it's just little" he said.

"Ok? I'll invite Lisa then" I said and hang up. I give the phone to the maid, "where's Lisa?" I ask her.

"She's already at school Ms, she's always early" she said and bow before leaving me. Suddenly, an imaginary angel and devil come at my side.

I sigh, she can just come with us and not walk- Aish! What the hell are you even thinking!?

She's the nerd that you hate ok? You hate her because of her being friends with your father!

Aish! No, you already lo- What? I thought I just like her!? You just said that because you keep thinking that she's just a nerd.

Nayeon always bully her so she should just keep that act! No, that's not right Nayeon, always remember what your father said.

"Aish! Can you two stop!? You two are fucking annoying!" I yelled that cause the two to disappear.

"Unnie? Why are you even yelling?" I look at my back to see Tzuyu looking at me confused but she's smiling so widely.

"Eyy, what happen huh? You seems happy" I said to her and walk to her direction. She smile again showing her dimples.

"I'm always happy unnie" she said and giggle. "Nuh-uh, you're not always like that Tzu, I know you" I said to her as we started walking.

"Nothing, I'm just happy because it's a new day!" she said and chuckle. There's something on Tzuyu today, she's different but let's just shrugged it off.

"By the way, I'll go to the company with Lisa ok?" I said to her that made her stop. "Can I come?" she ask with hopeful eyes.

"Sorry Tzu, dad just want me to come but I plead that I'll come with you all but he said that it's just a little so I'll just ask Lisa later" I said to her and gave her a small smile.

"That's alright unnie" she said and smile. "Go with them inside the van, I'll go now" I said to her.

"Ehh? They actually brought their own cars" she said to me. "Ok, come with me" I said to her and smile.

Jennie's PoV
I feel like there's something going on with Lisa and  Twice, not just one ok? But all nine of them.

"Babe!" I got cut off when Kai called me. "Oh... hi Babe" I said and peck his lips.

"What are you thinking? It seems deep" he ask as he put his arms around my shoulder.

"Nothing, I just feel like Lisa has a secret from us" I said to him. "Huh? Why would she have a secret?" he ask.

"I also don't know Kai, can you please help me investigate?" I ask as I turn my head to his direction.

"Of course, I'll help you at everything" he said and kiss my cheeks. "Thank you" I said and smile at him.

"Let's go now at the class, it's probably starting" he said that made me nod. I hope you didn't hide anything from me Lili.

Lisa's PoV
"Where are we even going?" I ask as I follow her. Well, she just walk inside the library where I always wanted to hang out then dragged my ass out here.

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