34: New student, again

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No one's PoV
And that's what happen to Lisa's hang out with Tzuyu. And now Lisa doesn't want to look at her wives.

"Daddy, are you going to dwive me to school?" Naeun ask as she's now fully dressed, ready to go to school.

"Uhh..." Lisa exclaim and look at her watch. It's still earlier for her and Naeun that made the two to have breakfast.

"Let's eat breakfast first" Lisa said and lift Naeun up, walking out of her room as she close the door of her room at the same time.

"What do you want for breakfast? I'll make it for you" Lisa said as she look at her daughter with a smile.

"What? Mommy said that you don't know how to cook so evewy mowning she's inside of youw apawtment to cook fow you and youw sister" Naeun said to her.

Lisa stop on her tracks and look at her daughter in disbelief. "Yah! That's a long time ago and besides, I already learn how to cook" Lisa said to her as she step at one step.

"Really? Can you show how?" the two of them look down the stairs to see Taeyeon while looking up at them.

"Mommy!" Naeun exclaim and about to jump off on Lisa's arms but Lisa held her tightly.

"If we came down the stairs ok? You might get trip" she said that made the latter to smile at her then nod her head.

They then step out of the long stairs and Naeun jump off Lisa's grip then run at her mother.

"Run slowly Naeun" Lisa said and walk towards Taeyeon with a smile. Naeun successfully run to Taeyeon's direction with a smile.

"Did you have fun in here?" Taeyeon ask as she lift Naeun on her arms. "Yes mom, dad is always by my side" the younger answer.

Taeyeon then look at her front and smile widely at Lisa. "Can you show how?" she ask again that made the latter to smile and nod.

"Let's go" Lisa said and held Taeyeon's hand them softly dragged her towards the kitchen.

They are just having some fun while there are a pair of 9 eyes looking at them, jealousy can be seen.

The 9 pair of eyes look at each other with sad and jealous expressions. "We should accept what appa is saying" Chaeyoung broke the silence.

"Yeah, she look happy with them though and besides..." Jeongyeon said and look at them with teary eyes.

"We just borrow her from her" she added that made the girls to be hurt more. "And she need to be with her daughter" Momo said to them.

"I'll let her go if that's her happiness, even if I'm not her happiness" Nayeon said sadly and wiped her tears.

The girls glare at their unnie. "Even if it's not US, her happiness Nayeon unnie" Jihyo said to them as she get the tissue to wiped her cold.

Nayeon groan but quickly nod at her statement. "What are we going to do? Appa said that we still have days to spend with her" Mina mumble but enough for them to hear.

"How about... we continue the youngest to oldest?" Tzuyu suggested that made Chaeyoung to nod.

"No, we shouldn't get attach to her that much" Dahyun said to the two maknae. Chaeyoung pout but Tzuyu just put her stoic face.

"That's right Tzu, we should just put our stoic faces" Sana suggested to them. Nayeon then look at Jihyo and the latter did the same thing then nod.

Meanwhile, Lisa just finished cooking Kimchi fried rice, eggs, bacon and tteokbokki. "Hmm... it looks delicious daddy" Naeun said.

"Of course it is, your daddy cook it for you" Lisa said and smile at her daughter. "How about me? You didn't cook it for me too?" Lisa look at Taeyeon whose pouting at her.

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