18: Beaten

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Lisa's PoV
We finally came back from that playground. Dubu said that we're going to the school before the second subject came but we already arrive when it's lunch time.

I don't know but seeing that bracelet gave me headache and wanting to run away. I feel like that was the last thing that I made or that I held.

It felt like that was the last thing that I held before something happen to me. I don't know.

"Bye Lisa, see you later" Dubu said and wave at me. I wave back at her and we both walk separately.

I sigh, I just ditch my first subject because she dragged me towards the staircase exit and ditch the second and third because I helped her.

"Nerd" I look behind my back to see Taehyung with his..... siblings? I don't know if they are really siblings tho.

I just ignore them and walk again but got stop by when I bumped to a body. "Hyung is talking to you nerd" I look up to meet Jungkook.

Yeah, they became famous here when they transfer here and also because of Taehyung and his other friend.

"I don't care" I said to them coldly. J-hope, Namjoon and Daniel laugh at me. Bruh, I can fight all of you but I won't do it.

"Why are you with my Dahyun huh? Do you know that we're getting married!?" J-hope said to me and walk forward.

Married? Tss... we're already married and this shithead still doesn't know it. Well, everyone actually.

"Do you know that I love Dahyun since then?" J-hope said as he punch me. I got caught-off guard there, I touch my lips and it has blood.

Aish! How dare he touch my beautiful face? I- what? Beautiful? Tss... who am I kidding right?

"Are you somehow related to Tzuyu?" I look at my left to see Jungkook looking at me coldly.

I didn't answer him and just look at his angry eyes. What if I say that I'm married with Tzuyu? What is he gonna do with that?

"You piece of shit! Answer my question!" he yelled and punch me on my face. Damn! That fucking hurts like hell!

"You will pay for what you did to them!" Daniel yelled and they all attack me.

Mina's PoV
"Why aren't you with Lisa!?" Nayeon unnie yelled as Dahyun came back to school without Lisa.

"We just parted ways unnie, don't be like that" Dahyun said to her. "What if something happen to her!? J-hope said that he's gonna beat her up!" Sana yelled to her.

"I- what?" Dahyun said, looking so clueless. "Yes, same with his other siblings" I said and stand up.

"Where are you going?" Jeongyeon unnie ask. I look behind to see them looking at me with a questionable look.

"I'll look for her" I said to them and twist the door knob, stepping outside.

Where are you Lisa? Why aren't you with Dahyun earlier? I wanted to know what happen to you.

Did they hurt you? Tell me please, I don't know what is happening to me. I hope you're ok.

"That's what you get Lisa! Get out of our way when we're going to woo our girls!" I suddenly heard a shout that is coming to the old hallways.

I got curious so I hide at the other hallway and peek a little. I saw their backs- that sucks right? I know their backs because their backs is such a disappointment.

I look where they are looking- I just saw their heads  looking down. What the hell!? They really beat Lisa! Yah! I'm gonna make them pay for this.

"Let's go now, the student might sees us" Jin said that made the others to nod. They left Lisa while laughing so loud.

When I didn't hear anything, I quickly get out of my hiding spot and approach Lisa.

"Lisa! What happen to you!?" I said clearly panicking. Lisa then turn her head to my direction, she's clearly beaten up.

"Mina?" she ask that made me nod. She has a beautiful face to be honest, I didn't know that she has that.

"W-what are you d-doing here?" she ask as she try to stand up but I just shook my head to her signalling her not to stand up.

"I'm here to fetch you, why didn't you walk with Dahyun?" I ask her as I put her head on my lap.

She smile at me, "students m-might see us and I don't w-want J-hope to k-kill me" she said and chuckle bitterly.

"We can protect you, you know? We'll tell them to stop beating you" I said and about to get my phone to dial Jihyo's number but she shook her head.

"No, t-this is just the f-first time they beat m-me and this won't h-happen again" she said and offer a smile again.

Can you not smile? My heart can't seem to handle that smile of yours. "Let's go to the hospital, you can't be at the clinic for now" I said to her and help her to stand up.

"No, I'll just call for my unnies to help me get at the hospital, don't worry about me" she said and about to push me away but I held her tightly.

"No! I won't let you be with them for now" I said to her and pick her arm and put it at my shoulder. "You s-shouldn't be doing t-this Ms. Myoui" she said to me.

I shook my head, you shouldn't be calling me Ms. Myoui ok? I'm already married to you yet you still call me that!?

"Let's go" I said and drag her towards my car. I put her at the passenger seat and close the door.

"Ms. Myoui, j-just call Irene unnie and t-tell her to bring me to the h-hospital" she said to me and about to close her eyes.

"Yah! Don't close your eyes!" I said and quickly insert the key in the key hole and started the engine.

"J-just call I-irene unnie, p-please" she said but I didn't listen to her. I then started to drive fast towards the nearest hospital.

There's a silence inside the car when a phone rang. "Is that your phone?" I ask as I keep my eyes on the road.

"Y-yeah" she replied and about to get her phone but I park at the sideway. "I'll get it for you" I said to her and started to find her phone.

"A-answer it" she said and I nod my head. The caller is just a number so I don't know who the hell will call her.

"Hello?" I said as I turn on the loud speaker. "Pokpak? Pokpak is this really your number?" the person on the other line said.

Huh? Who is this huh? Is he trying to steal Lisa from me? I mean from us ok? "Who's this?" I ask as I look again at the caller, it's just a number.

"Oh... sorry but I think I called the wrong number" he said and about to hang up when Lisa spoke. "B-bammie?" she said.

Bammie? Who's Bammie? Are you cheating on me!? Or should I say on us? Why Lisa? We're not still enough for you!?

We gave you all, our body- What the heck!? Mina, you two still didn't do it ok? Stop being like her wife when in fact.... I'm her wife.

"Pokpak!" the person yelled at the other line. "Pokpak! I miss you so much! I'll go fly back to Korea to see you again ok? Just text me your address" the person said and hang up.

I then put the phone down and glare at Lisa. "Who's that Bammie huh? Are you cheating on me?" I ask her coldly.

"H-huh? Why w-would I c-cheat on you? A-and for y-your i-information, I h-have- nevermind" she said close her eyes.

"Yah! Don't close your eyes, I still need to bring you to the hospital" I said and started the car again.

Gosh! This is really stressful! "A-and.... I'm n-not even d-dying, t-they just b-beat me o-ok?" she said and close her eyes again.

She's right tho, "but still, don't close your eyes please" I plead to her and she just chuckle.

"Whatever Minari, let's j-just meet again a-after I woke up, g-good night" she said and close her eyes. "Yah! Make sure that you will still wake up, I still want you to sleep beside me" I mumble.
Here's another update! Hope y'all like it and have a nice day!!

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