40: 2nd day (P.2)

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No one's PoV
Mina look at Jihyo's figure with pity. "I hope that if I go inside, I won't cry" she mumble to herself and step inside Lisa's room.

She saw Lisa lying on the bed- well, she's still sleeping because it's still early though. She smile and walk to the latter's bed.

"Hi, how are you now?" she ask as she sat down on the floor, looking at Lisa with adoration. "I've seen Jihyo walking out of the room, does this confession of ours really hurt?" she ask her.

"But anyways, I'm here to also say what my other siblings is saying" she said and lean her face near Lisa's direction.

"I love you" she said and smile widely. "I know that you can't accept my love.... or our love because you still love your past girlfriend" she said and move back.

"But I promise to you that if ever she hurt you again, please just walk inside our mansion and we will accept you again..." she said and pause.

"Even if you two already have another daughter or son that time" Mina mumble and look down. "But it's better if we will have our own daughter or son" she said and look back at Lisa.

"But no matter what happen, if she hurt you again, our door is always open for you to walk inside" she said to the sleeping latter.

"I won't break down in here, now I know why Jihyo walk out of the room with heavy heart" she said and her eyes become teary.

"If this time line isn't really ours, I'll accept it no matter what. I'll wait for you in our second life, hope you will wait also" she said and quickly stand up to kisa Lisa on her temple.

"I love you" she mumble at her first tears walk out of her eyes. She then lean back and look at Lisa's sleeping figure for awhile then walk out of the room.

When she step out, that's the time where her tears fall down her eyes. Dahyun then open her door, she's hesitant to walk towards Lisa's room because maybe the latter is awake.

"This is now or never Dahyun, you can do it" she said to herself and walk towards Lisa's room. "Monkey-" she cut herself off when she saw Lisa sleeping while facing the other side.

She then walk silently to where Lisa is facing at and smile when she saw the latter sleeping. "Hi monkey, I miss you" she first said and sat down on Lisa's bed.

She then carress the latter's soft locks and smile. "I know that we just saw each other earlier but I really miss you" she said to her.

"I don't know if my sister's came here earlier or I'm the first one to come here but I smell Mina unnie's perfume so I think I'm the third one to the last" she said.

"I don't know what they did in here, I don't know what they said to you but I'll tell you something important" she said.

"There's one girl and another girl inside the country where same sex relationship isn't that acceptable..." she pause for awhile.

"But the first girl still love the other girl. The thing is, the other girl is intersex and her last girlfriend got pregnant" she said.

"And that the other girl said to that girl that they aren't meant to be with each other" Dahyun said to her.

"Maybe that is also us...." she pause and look at the ceiling. "Maybe we're not meant to be with each other either" she said and wiped the tear that came out of her eyes.

"And there is really the one for me which is not you" she said then look at Lisa's sleeping figure. "But in our other life, I would love to be with you again" Dahyun said.

She then smile at the memory that pop out of her mind. "I still remember what you said last time though, I should confess my feelings to my crush...." she pause for awhile and look at the wall.

"But my crush leave me behind saying that her father got a job at Busan" she said and smile. "Silly, I know that you're sleeping and I just wanted to say that..." she look at Lisa again then smile.

"I love you... and I'm greatful for the memories that we made, I don't regret anything and plase keep in mind that you will always be in my heart" she said and lean to kiss Lisa on her nose.

She then rose up from where she is seating and stand up, shuting the door shut and walk towards her own room. When she step inside, her tears flow down on her cheeks.

Chaeyoung then heard a door closing upstairs. "Maybe, Dahyun unnie already walk out of Lisa's room" she said and drink the water.

"You can do it Chaeyoung" she said to herself and form her hands into a fist. "Fighting" she said and walk upstairs.

She then walk towards Lisa's room and saw the latter sleeping at the bed of course. Chaeyoung smile, she then walk towards the bed and sat down where Dahyun sat down earlier.

"Hi" she said and look at Lisa's face then smile. "I peek earlier and saw that Dahyun unnie is talking to you" she said.

"What did she say to you? Did she confess? I know that she have a feelings for you" she said to her. "I know that you can't hear me, I know that you can't react to anything but I'll say it anyway" she said and shrugged.

"I love you, yes I know that it's so funny because the school say that I'm their prince charming but I love you" she said.

"I will let you be my prince charming in our relationship since you're more capable on that place" Chaeyoung said and smile.

"I'm gonna let you be the beast and me being the beauty" she pause for awhile and look at the wall. "But I guess that won't work".

"I guess that we're not meant to be with each other.... we're not going to work or what-so-ever" she said and look back at Lisa.

"And that's all, I don't want to feel hurt like what they did to theirselves" she said and lean to kiss Lisa's side eye.

She then stand up and walk out of the room. When she step out, that's the que for her tears to fall down her eyes.

Tzuyu then look at Chaeyoung who's sobbing quietly while walking away from the room. She then walk towards Lisa's room and saw that Lisa is sleeping.

Well, she's sleeping when they meet her so she's still sleeping. "Hi Priya" Tzuyu said and sat down on the floor facing Lisa's direction.

"They already confess to you so I might as well tell it to you also" she said and look at Lisa with admiration.

"I love you, I know that it's hard to pick between two people but it's harder to pick between nine people" she said.

"It's confusing because you live with them and you might develop a feeling towards one person but that doesn't mean that you don't love all of those people" Tzuyu stated.

"I know that you can't reciprocate my love for you but I will always love you with all of my heart" she said then smile sadly.

"I loved you too...." Lisa suddenly said while her eyes are still close. Tzuyu got startle and stand up from her seat.

"Is she awake? Or she's just dreaming?" she ask and lean forward to listen on what will be the latter's next words.

"But I think we're not meant to be with each other" she said that cause the younger to smile sadly. "Yeah, you're right" she pause for awhile.

She then look at Lisa with teary eyes and kiss the latter's chin. "I'll always be with you forever" she said then walk out of the room.

"....Taeyeon" Lisa said once Tzuyu step out of the room.
Hey! Wifi isn't working so I'm here to update this one late because of the wifi. Hope y'all like it and good night or morning!

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