22: Young Sana

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No one's PoV
A turning 5 years old- or should I say a 5 years old girl run away from home with tears flowing like a river down her cheeks.

It's actually her birthday today, she's disappointed when her father didn't even greet her this year because of it's hectic work.

She then slow down her pace when she didn't see anything but a tree and a bench underneath it.

She them go towards the bench and sigh. "Why is thewe a beautiful giwl cwiying undewneath the twee?" she got startle when someone spoke beside her.

"Oh my! That scared me off!" the 5 years old girl exclaim and held her chest with her little hands.

"I'm sowwy" the person said to her and gave her a tooty smile. The 5 years old girl felt relieve when she saw that the person is harmless.

"It's ok" the 5 years old girl said to her and wiped her tears.

"Aigo, I'm gonna wiped those teaws away" the person said and held the latter's face dangerously close to her.

The 5 years old girl blush at the sudden closeness. "Don't cwy pwetty giwl, it doesn't suit you" the person said.

The 5 years old girl smile and look away, hiding her flustered face.

"T-thank you" the 5 years old girl said to her and held an eye contact before looking down with a flush face.

"I'm Pwanpwiya" the person said and took out her hand for a handshake.

The 5 years old girl look at her hand then to her face and smile, "Sana" young Sana said.

"You look like a squiwwel, can I call you squiwwel?" the girl ask her. "Call me anything you want" Sana said and look in front.

"Alwight my squiwwel" Pranpriya said to her and sat beside her. Sana look stunned, 'how can a child flirt like this?' she thought.

"By the way, why awe you cwying eawliew?" Pranpriya ask and look at Sana. Sana then look at her and smile sadly.

"It's actually my birthday today" she said to her. "Weally? Happy biwthday then" Pranpriya said and smile at her.

Sana look at her and smile while her tears are already building up at her eyes. "Shh... don't cwy pwetty giwl" Pranpriya said and hug the latter.

"T-thank you, at least y-you greet me" she said and broke the hug. She feel different when she's at the latter's arms.

She feel safe and she feel relaxed. "Ahh~" Pranpriya exclaim and get something in her pocket.

Sana then look at her confusedly and took the thing that the person is holding.

"A ring?" she said and took the ring. "It's a special one, I should make my mom a wabbit wing but I accidentally make a squiwwel" Pranpriya said.

"Really? Where's your mom?" Sana ask and wear the ring. "It looks good on you and to answew youw question, she's at the heaven" Pranpriya said and smile at the latter.

"Ohh... I'm sorry" Sana said and smile sadly at the latter. "It's fine, I didn't actually saw my mothew in pewson" Pranpriya said to her.

"Why would you make your mother a rabbit ring when she's not here?" Sana ask and look at her finger.

"Because I wanted to give her a gift befowe we got to hew gwave and celebwate the past chiwstmas with hew" Pranpriya said.

"That's a nice thing" Sana said to her and smile. They both held an eye contact for a minute until a voice interrupt them.

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