38: The 1st day of the 3 days

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Nayeon's PoV
"We're here" the driver said and pulled out of the parking lot. We got out of the car and walk away from it.

We're now here inside the school. They look at us in disgust and whisper about us. I don't care, at least today we can be with Lisa.

"Ppeu ppeu!" I yelled as soon as I saw her at her locker. She then look at her right side- which where we are located.

"Bunny! Ostrich! Peach! Squirrel! Train! Penguin! Dubu! Cub! Yoda!" she yelled and wave at us.

"Geez! Why does she need to call everyone?" Tzuyu ask but she smile and wave back at Lisa. "Just be thankful ok?" I said to her.

"Let's go to her direction" Jeongyeon said and we all walk to her direction. "Hey guys" she said and hug us one by one.

"Why didn't you come to school with us?" Jihyo ask her. She then broke the hug of her and Tzuyu then look at her.

"Taeyeon actually fetch me" I rolled my eyes. Taeyeon again aish! "She knows my condition and she agreed about the 3 days" she said.

Hearing that 3 days make me feel worried. "Can you not mention that?" Dahyun said to her.

"Alright then, let's just proceed to the class" Lisa said and get my hand then drag me. "We also want to get drag Lisa" Sana said to her.

"Is that so?" she ask and look at Sana. "Just hold my arms then I'll drag you" she said and they quickly get a hold on her arms.

"Yah! How are we gonna move if all of us is clinging to her!?" Jihyo shout that made all pf us to lossen our grip on Lisa.

"Let's go now" she said and dragged Lisa away from us. "Yah! PARK JIHYO!" I yelled and run to their direction.

"Yah! Does shouting is really important!?" Tzuyu shout to us. I look at Jihyo and smile, "YES!" we both shout at them.

"Geez! Womans don't shout ok?" Lisa said to us. "Alright jagi" I said and smile at her. "Yes hubby" Tzuyu said once she came at our direction.

"Aish! Just stop that" Momo said and cling to Lisa's arms. "Nah-uh, let me borrow Lisa for awhile" Sana said and drag Lisa to her side.

"Maybe you all shouldn't do that" Jeongyeon said and walk towards Jihyo's side. "Ohh... come on, don't be like that unnies" Dahyun said.

"She might fell uncomfortable ok?" Mina said to us. "Mina unnie is right unnies, she will feel uncomfortable" Chaeyoung said.

"No, it's fine actually" Lisa interrupt them. "Yeah guys! Maybe she's uncomfortable so get off" I said to them.

They pout and get off Lisa's arms. "You know what, let's just all go at the class?" Lisa said to us and we nod. She then walk away with us beside her.

No one's PoV
"Are you sure about that?" the man ask the person on the other line. "Yes uncle, it's complicated in here" the person said.

"Jieun, you know that we need to see her" the man replied. "I know uncle but.... it's really complicated" Jieun answer the man.

The man sigh and just nod even though Jieun can't see him. "We're going there whether you like it or not" the man said firmly.

Jieun sigh and just nod. "Alright uncle" she said to him and about to hang up but the man said something.

"Pass me all the information that you saw there" he said and hang up his call. "How will I send that if they are so shocking!?" Jieun ask herself.

"Just pass it to uncle, he will get angry if you don't" she got startle when someone spoke behind her.

"Ohh.... Taeyeon" she exclaim and held her chest. "What will you send to him anyway?" Taeyeon ask and sat down beside her.

"All the information that I saw here in Korea" Jieun said to her. "I already did a report to that, you can give it to him" Taeyeon said and lean her back at the couch.

"How about Naeun?" Jieun ask the latter. "I'll be the one to tell it to them, I know that they can accept it" Taeyeon answer her.

"Alright, they will be here for tomorrow" Jieun said to her and she nod her head.

Jihyo's PoV
We're now here inside the classroom and looking at Lisa who's reading a book. "Why are we even looking at her?" Sana ask.

"I don't know also" Momo replied to her and shrugged her shoulder. "Nayeon unnie, does the teacher won't come in here?" Chaeyoung ask Nayeon unnie.

"I don't know, I didn't even check the schedule" Nayeon unnie answer her. We all look at Lisa again and she close her book.

"Aren't you all tired?" she ask and look at us. We all look at her and smile, "We won't get tired of you ok?" Dahyun said.

"Can we play later Lisa?" Mina ask her and look at her eyes. Lisa smile and nod her head, "Of course, I would love too" she said.

"Can we also come?" Tzuyu ask and raise her hands. Lisa then look at her and smile, "That would be great, we're all there playing" she said and smile.

We also smile back at her and nod. "I have a question" I started and she look at me in confusion.

"What is it?" she ask. Aww... she so cute Omo! "What is your ideal type of a girl?" I ask her and the others nod their heads.

Lisa then look at the ceiling and smile. "I want a girl who can take care of me...." she started.

"That's me" Nayeon unnie said and smile proudly. "I want a girl who can clean my mess" Lisa said.

"I can do it" Jeongyeon unnie said and smile at her. Lisa smile back at her and look at the ceiling again. "I want a girl who can eat everything I cook" she said.

"I can always eat your cookings" Momo unnie said proudly. "I want a girl who can be cute but sexy also" Lisa said.

"Oohh..... that's my throne" Sana unnie said and smile cheekily. "I want a girl who have great vocals so that we can do duet" welp, that's me.

"My throne finally came" I said and smile. "I want a girl who's an introvert person, I woule come to her if I want some peace" she said.

"That's me" Mina quietly said and smile while looking down. "I want a girl who can play instruments so we can play together" Lisa said.

"And I can play anything" Dahyun said while pointing at herself. "I want a girl who can draw well because I want to learn from her" Lisa continue.

"And here comes Chaeyoung~" Chaeyoung exclaim. "I want a girl who can be my playmate at any sports but I most likely archery" Lisa said.

"And here comes the ace" Tzuyu said and flip her hair to the side. Lisa smile for the last time and look at us.

"In short... I want a girl who can be my everything" she said with a big wide smile.

Someone's PoV
"Let's see" I exclaim while looking at the monitor. She just send me the email and I look at the email she send me.

"Why didn't you also write about them huh?" I said while looking at her picture. It's not that I'm angry at her or we doesn't get along.

"I already accept them anyways" I said and click on the next file that I send to her. "We're very sorry my dear grandchild" I said and look at her picture.

"If his parents aren't just that evil, they wouldn't live here and you won't suffer that much" I said and a tear escape my eyes.

"It's been 23 years since we saw your parents and now that we saw you, we will make sure that you will get the attention that you want from your father and mother back then" I said.

"I hope you will forgive us if we will meet soon" I continue and trace my hands on the picture. I chuckle, "You look like your mother".
Hope you would like the update, I might not upload the 2nd book because I planned to have another story after this book and the 2nd book might just be a short story :)

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