35: Ignore

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Mina's PoV
We're now here inside our mansion. I don't know why I even agreed on their solutions.

We've been ignoring Lisa for days now and all I can say is... it's not that good. Let's start on the very first day....

*Flashback 1*
"Hey Minari! Let's hang out now because Chaeyoung and Dahyun doesn't want to hang out" Lisa said as I passed on her place.

I stopped on my tracks first, I badly want to be with her but I can't just broke their promise right?

I didn't answer her and just wait for what is she going to say next. "Or... if you don't want also, I'll just invite Jihyo" she said and walk away slowly.

I sigh when I finally didn't hear her footsteps. Aish! Pabo Mina, why didn't you just agree!? She will look like an idiot walking around the house trying to talk to them!?

*Flashback 2*
I walk out of my room and walk to the computer room. I open the door and saw Lisa playing on the Xbox.

I think she know that someone is behind her so she look back and saw me. She gave me a smile that I swear will make you a heart attack.

"Minari! Let's play together?" she ask and took the other controller before pausing the game and walk to my direction.

"Uhm.." I said quietly and look at the controller. "Come on, you didn't hang out when we're doing the youngest to oldest... well all of you didn't hang out with me" she said and mumble the last part which I also hear.

I look at the screen and saw that she's playing minecraft. Geez! I wanted to play minecraft and build a house for the two of us but I can't just hang out with her because of my sisters.

"I'm just here to get something" I said to her coldly and walk to my computer. Yeah, we have 9 computers inside but I always use mine.

"Oh... ok" she said and walk back to where she is earlier and continue playing.

*Flashback 3*
We're now walking down the stairse because we got hungry and also we're going to school.

"Did you all talk to Lisa?" Nayeon unnie broke the silence. "No" we answer that made hrr nod her head.

"Good, let's say to appa that we're ready" Jihyo said and we all nod our head. We enter the kitchen to see no one, we usually saw Lisa here cooking kimchi fried rice.

We saw a big bowl with a plate on top and a sticky note. Tzuyu walk to that direction and get the sticky note then read it out loud.

"Girls, I'm probably at the school right now when you're reading this. I can't eat with you because Taeyeon came and fetch me, hope you will like the food! -LM" Tzuyu said and look at the all of us.

"Should we eat?" Momo unnie ask. "No" Jeongyeon unnie said and walk to walk out of the kitchen.

"I'm hungry unnie" Dahyun said and walk to my direction same goes with Chaeyoung. "We're just going to stop by at the fast food" I said to them.
*End of flashback*

And the rest are history. "Where's Lisa?" I ask the maid that made her look at me. "She's still not coming here young miss" she said and bow to me before walking away.

"Huh? That's weird" I mumble. She usually come home earlier than the 9 of us.

Jieun's PoV
I'm now walking towards my locker, I still need to get at my condo because we have a meeting.

"That's for getting married to them" I suddenly got alert when I heard a voice. I walk to the left side where the voice came.

What!? Who are they!? Why are they bullying Young Miss!? "That's for making all of us like an idiot!" the boy that looks like a girl said as he punch young miss.

"Let's go now hyungs, she's already beaten up" that young boy that have a smile... box smile on his face said.

They walk straight to the hallway which has another exit. When I see that they all walk out of the building, I quickly walk to young miss's direction.

"Young miss" I said and sat down in front of her. She look at me with half eyed. "Who a-are you?" she ask and try to sit up but she can't.

"Don't try to move young miss" I said to her and cling her arms around my shoulder. "W-what are y-you doing? I n-need to go t-to T-taeyeon" she said.

"I'll bring you to Taeyeon, young miss" I said to her and walk towards Taeyeon's classroom direction. "Tae!" I yelled and walk inside their classroom.

She look at me with a smile but quickly turn into a confused look when she saw the person beside me.

"Why are you with Lisa?" she said and walk to our direction then lift young miss's chin. "Omo! What happened?" she ask and sit young miss on the chair.

"I just saw her getting beaten up by those 9 boys" I said to and she look at me. "Tss... those 9 bratty boys, really!?" she exclaim.

"Wait, you know them?" I ask her and she nod her head. "They should be the one who's getting married to my girlfriend's wives" she answer.

What? Young miss is married!? "Didn't you know? The students always whisper about Sana and Lisa" she said.

"So... you know her?" I ask her. "Of course, she's my ex-girlfriend who got me pregnant and we're about to lived together when my parents dragged my ass to be with them" she said.

"I thought you recieve it" I said to her that made her look at me. "What? I didn't recieve anything from you" she said.

"But I email you" I said as I point at her. "Then why didn't I got any?" she ask and cross her arms.

"We should tell this to Uncle and Auntie" I said to her and get my phone then text uncle and auntie.

She look at me confused, "why would you-" she stop and gasp then look at young miss who's sleeping peacefully.

"You mean?" she ask and point at young miss. "Yep, she's the one we're finding" I said to her and smile.

Oh... you're confused right? Taeyeon and I are best of friends when we're still young. She's this lovely girl who would always visit the park that's from uncle and auntie.

She's crying when I saw her that time, I just comforted her saying that I'm gonna be her best friend- her dog actually die that time.

And then things happen, she would always spend times at Thailand where I lived- not really, because my family left Korea to take a job at Thailand.

And we left Korea when I was just 6 years old. She's even shocked when she heard me speaking in Korean language.

"OMG! I can't fucking accept it! My girlfriend is a billionaire!?" she exclaim and walk to her desk, getting her laptop.

"Can you send me the form? I don't use that email anymore because of my parents" she said and rolled her eyes when she said the word 'parents'.

"Alright, email?" I ask her and look at her. "@KimTY93" she said and I send her the email.

She examine it, look at me after she did it. "I can't believe it" she said and walk to my direction then look at her girlfriend.

"I'm sorry uncle and auntie, I'll take care of your daughter" she said and look up the ceiling. I look at her confused, "Yah! They are still alive!" I said and hit her arms.

"Yah! That hurts!" she yelled and rub the part where I hit her. "Just tell it to them when we all came back at Thailand" I said.
Good night! Sorry for late update!

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