14: Sleeping with Nayeon

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Lisa's PoV
We finally came back here at Korea. I sigh, I can still feel that I'm inside the plane and I want to puke.

"Lis, I'll go to my condo now ok?" Irene said to me and I shook my head as a no. She then look at me in confusion.

"I won't let you go home alone unnie, it's already night and it's very dangerous" I said to her. I don't want Seulgi to come and punch me ok?

"Where am I going to sleep then?" she ask me. I then look around to see Yeji looking at our direction and giving me the signal.

I then get it and look again at Irene unnie. "You can sleep with Yeji" I said to her.

"YES!" Yeji suddenly yelled that cause the people to look at our direction. "Come on unnie! I think Jinyoung appa will approve to this" she said and drag Irene unnie towards Jinyoung's car.

"Bye unnie, please look at Yeji while I'm not still at Jinyoung's house" I said to her and she just nod her head.

"Lis" I look at my back and saw Jinyoung looking at me. "Yes?" I said to him and raise a brow.

"You'll be sleeping with Nayeon this night ok? For this week, you will sleep with them at night and if they don't really like it, you will sleep at your own room" he said to me.

WHAT!? I'M SLEEPING BESIDE MY BULLY? Ok calm down ok? I'll just close my eyes beside them.

"O-ok....?" I said more like asking him. He smile at me and pat my head. "I gotta go, take care of my daughters" he said and run away.

"Wait!-" I'm about to say that I won't sleep with them because they just glare at me so I guess, I'm sleeping with Nayeon?

"Uhh... let's go?" I said to them and they glare to me before walking towards the van.

"Geez! They might be my bully but I'm their wife now" I mumble to myself. I then run towards the van because they might glare at me tomorrow.

We finally came back at their house. I'm very sleepy and I really wanted to sleep.

Thankfully, Nayeon's room is just in the first room when you go upstairs. I then drag Nayeon without her permission.

"Yah! I'm still talking to my sisters!" she said and trying to get free but I'm strong to not let her get out.

"I'm already sleepy Nayeon, you can talk to them tomorrow" I said to her and yawn. "Then sleep! You can sleep in your room anyway" she said to me.

I then stop from dragging her and hug her. Why do I feel like I already hug this girl. "Your appa said that I should sleep in your rooms first in just a week" I said to her.

"Yah! Get your filthy hands off of me!" she yelled but I didn't obey her. "Just stay like this, I feel like I already did this to you" I whisper to her.

She tried to break free but I'm not letting her. She then later on relax on my embrace but didn't hug me back.

After a minute, she pushes me away and walk towards her room. "Tss... I'm still trying to think if I already know you ehh" I said to myself.

I then walk towards my room and change in my PJ. When I walk out of my room, I saw the girls and they all glare at me.

I just ignore them and walk towards Nayeon's room and knock on her door. "Come in" she said and I open the door.

She then rolled her eyes and throw a pillow and a blanket on my face. "Sleep at the sofa and if you're not fitted in there, just sleep on the floor" she said to me.

"Ok" I said and walk towards the side of the bed. "Yah! Where are you going!?" she ask me. I look at her confused and look at the floor.

"I'm sleeping at the floor?" I said to her. I then set my pillow at the floor. "Good night wifey~" I said and close my eyes.

Nayeon's PoV
I blush when she call me wifey. Gosh! I feel like I'm very happy when she call me that. I then close the lights inside my room and tried to sleep.

I look at my glowing wall clock, it's already 12 and I still can:t sleep. It sucks right? You want to sleep but can't.

I'm not even like things everytime I tried to sleep. I look at the floor, seeing her sleep peacefully make me wonder: 'Why are we even bullying her?'

"Lisa?" I called for her but she didn't answer. "Lisa" I said and shake her abit.

"Hmm?" she hummed and look at the other side with half open eyes. "You feel uncomfortable there, you can sleep here now" I said to her.

"No, I'm fine here Ms. Im" she said sleepily and close her eyes again. "I said you will sleep here!" I whisper yelled to her.

"Aish! Alright, alright" she said and get up. She then get the pillow and throw it on the other side.

She hop on the bed and quickly put a blanket on her body. "Good night again wifey~" I again blush at what she called me.

I then face the other side and close my eyes..... Aish! I really can't sleep! I then look at my side and saw Lisa sleeping peacefully again.

I remove her blanket and place it at the sofa. I put my blanket on her body and she move a little. Her arms are wide and I lay on it.

Maybe I can hug her? I'll sneak on her arms and I wish that I will wake up first than her. Please make it be me.

I got surprise and she hug me and she place my face on her neck. I blush when I can see her bare neck.

Gosh! I think I wanted to give her a hickey- What the fuck!? Nayeon! You won't ok!?

But look at her neck, it's really fresh and soft! I squeal inside when I touch her neck. I'm not even a vampire.

"Shhh... Sleep now wifey" she said and kiss my forehead. I suddenly got red when she do that. Aish! I know that this isn't me but my heart keep on beating so fast.

"Lisa?" I called her again and she hummed. "C-can I k-kiss you?" I suddenly blurted out of nowhere.

I held my mouth but she just nod her head. I peck on her cheeks- but it's too dangerous because I kiss her side lips.

"Sleep now if you don't nee- hmp!" she said and I attack her lips. Wahh! It's soft like how I tasted Ppeu ppeu's lips.

Wait? Ppeu ppeu? She wouldn't even remember me if ever we meet again. I release from the kiss and hug her tight.

I sigh on her chest, "why do I feel all the feelings that I feel with Ppeu ppeu, Lisa?" I ask the sleeping Lisa.

I look at her face and stop on her lips. Gosh! I shouldn't kiss her right? Ppeu ppeu might saw this and won't show up with me.

But her lips is really addicting. I peck her lips as much as I can. Why am I even like this? Whenever I kiss her lips it felt like I'm kissing Ppeu ppeu.

"I don't get myself Lisa, I'm happy with you but I don't want to be with you. Yes, I bully you many times and I still don't know why" I said while look at her face.

She then move her hand from my arm to my waist and make my body move closer to her.

"I don't know Nayeon, and I don't care about it anymore" Lisa said to me. Is she still awake or just sleeping soundly?

"I really love you Taeyeon.... but it's not like before" I heard her say that. Who's Taeyeon? I suddenly feel angry by hearing someone's name.

I hug her back, I know I shouldn't but who cares? As if anyone is looking at us. I move closer to her and sigh, giving her a kiss on her neck and drifted to my dreamland.
Hey guys!! Here's the last payment for not updating last Thursday!! Hope y'all like it and good night/good morning😺

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