28: Lisa's secret

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Lisa's PoV
The next day finally came, I don't have much sleep because of the project. Mr. Lee really sucks when it comes to this type of doing.

We slept when it's already 2 am and I literally need some sleep because they say, there will be a quiz later.

It sucks right? I'm now standing from Jennie unnie's bed, yeah we sleep together and we didn't even do anything ok?

I did my business at her bathroom. Using her bath essentials that I will probably smell like Jennie unnie.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Jennie unnie sitting down at her bed with eyes closed.

"Good morning unnie" I said to her and get my bag. Walking towards her walk in closet to dress up and walk out of that room to find my glasses.

"Good morning" she said cutely and open her arms. I look at her and dive inside her arms.

"Unnie, get ready now, we're gonna be late for school" I said to her and carry her body.

She's like this everytime I sleep here. If you didn't know that I'm married you'll probably think that we're a couple.

"Take a bath ok? I'll just find my glasses" I said to her as she smile and nod her head.

I then walk out of her bathroom to go find my glasses. Ugh! Where did I put that again? I can't even see properly because my eyes are blurry.

I look for it under the bed but nothing. Still, can't find it and we need to go to school or else.... our professor will scold us.

"Lili, you finally wore my gift" I look behind to see Jennie unnie being wrapped at the towel.

"Lili, you finally wore my gift" I look behind to see Jennie unnie being wrapped at the towel

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"Of course, I needed to wear something presentable today" I said to her and smile.

"Tss.... it's not like Taeyeon will visit you at the university" my smile faded by that name. How is she anyway?

Last time I check she leave for good to live at America. Is she already married? Jennie unnie seems to notice me.

"Oh... sorry about that" she said and smile apologetically at me. I smile at her, not the that is really wide that may creep her.

"It's ok unnie" I said to her and walk to her direction. I get my bag together with her bag and put my arms around her shoulder.

"Let's go now, auntie is probably waiting for us" I said to her as she open the door of her bedroom.

"You can't just come inside of someone's house!" I heard uncle yelled from down stairs. I look at Jennie unnie and she also look at me.

"What's happening there?" we both ask at each other and we both laugh. The ruckus down staurs suddenly shut down that made me and Jennie unnie to walk again.

"What's happening down there dad?" Jennie unnie yelled as we approch the railings at upstairs.

"Ppeu ppeu!" I got startle when someone yelled my nickname. I then turn my head to where the voice came and saw Nayeon running towards my direction.

She suddenly jump on me that made me surprise me but catches her as I wrap my arms around her waist.

Jennie unnie look at us as she raise a brow. I look down the stairs to see the other member of Twice looking at our direction, they are literally glaring at Nayeon.

"Uhh... Nayeon, you can get down now" I said as I pat her back. She then look at my eyes and smile.

"Good morning" she said and kiss my cheeks. Gosh! They say that they're going to meet me at the school but now they are here.

She then get down of my body and glare at Jennie unnie. "What did you do to my Ppeu ppeu huh?" she ask as she cross her arms.

"Ppeu ppeu? Lili, I didn't know that you're close with your bullies" Jennie unnie said and look at me.

Chaeyoung's PoV
"WHAT!?" the Kim family exclaim as Lisa explain what happen. "And you didn't even told me that you're married!? How could you Lili!?" Jennie unnie said.

"Uhh.... it's a secret...?" Lisa said as she look down. That's right, Jennie should know that you're mine ok? I mean you're ours.

Aish! Why am I even saying that? "Why? I thought you won't do anything that will involve them" Jennie unnie said.

"Well, Jinyoung help me big time so yeah, and besides, I just know you same with Seulgi and Irene unnie when I walk inside JYP University" Lisa said and smile at her.

"Don't be mad at her Jennie, she didn't do anything wrong" Jeongyeon unnie said to the cat eyed girl.

Jennie then glare at all of us. "If I have the news that you hurted my Lili, I won't hesitate to get her from all of you" she said as some of us gulp- well, everyone eventually.

"We won't hurt her Jennie" Mina unnie said quietly as she look at Lisa. Really!? What did you do to my sisters to be like this!?

"And besides, she's always in a good condition" Sana unnie said and winked at Lisa.

Jennie then sigh and sat back down beside Lisa. "Tell me if they hurted you Lili ok? I won't hesitate to pull you away" she said as she kiss Lisa's forehead.

"And no kissing" Nayeon unnie said as she stand up and pulled Lisa away from Jennie unnie.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim giggle at Nayeon unnie's possessiveness. "Tss... I already did something beside that kiss anyway" Jennie unnie teasingly said.

"What!? You did it to her when you didn't even do it to me!?" Sana unnie yelled on her high pitch voice.

"Geez! Keep down your voice" I said as I remover my hand that us covering my ears.

"Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, you have a boyfriend and you're telling it to us that you two did it?" Mr. Kim said as he stand up.

"What? What did we do?" Lisa ask innocently. Really? She doesn't know what the two if them do!?

"The sex!" Momo yelled that made me cover my ears again. Geez! I thought she's eating something that's why she's quiet.

"Sex? No, why would I do that to Jennie unnie? And besides, I just did it to Ta-" she stop herself off and sigh.

Ta? Who's that? "What I mean it that we already shower together" Jennie unnie said as she sigh.

"Clean your brain first people!" Jennie yelled as she walk out of the room. Mr. and Mrs. Kim shook their heads together and look at Lisa.

"Lisa, be honest ok? I thought you still hasn't moved on, on her?" Mrs. Kim softly ask as she doesn't want to hurt Lisa.

Her? Who is she? Lisa sigh and sat down at the couch. "I know, it's really shocking like how I am when I heard about Jinyoung's favor but I can't do anything auntie" Lisa said as a tear fall down her cheeks.

"Aigo! Why are you crying Priya?" Tzuyu said as she approach the latter and hug her.

Lisa hug her back and cry on her shoulder. Priya? As in Pranpriya? Pwanpwiya if you're having a trouble on speaking the letter R? Pokpak? My Pokpak?

I gasp, now I understand why Nayeon unnie become soft and Sana unnie. She's my Pokpak, Sana unnie's Lili, Nayeon unnie's Ppeu ppeu, Tzuyu's Priya, Momo unnie's Lice, Jeongyeon unnie's Pwan, Mina unnie's Pran, Dahyun unnie's Monkey and lastly Jihyo unnie's Pwiya.

Wanna know why I knew about that? I actually saw it at one of papers that dad brought at the house when I was 15 years old.

I saw our name and her name, Pranpriya Manoban, that is written at the papers. "Why did you suddenly gasp?" my train of thoughts got cut off when Jeongyeon unnie ask me.

"Nothing" I said and smile. If this is a competition, I'm on it. Count me in my sisters!
Last update for today! Getting busier this day because of the incoming schooling so fighting to all the student that aren't still starting and fighting to all who already started!

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