17: Young Dahyun

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No one's PoV
"Dahyun, can I borrow your toy?" a 5 years old Nayeon said to the 4 years old Dahyun.

"Don't! You have toys right? Play with yours!" Dahyun yelled to the latter.

"Dahyun-ah! Don't yell at your unnie" J.Y Park said to the latter. "But she wants to get my toys appa" Dahyun said to her father.

"Let her be ok? You two are sisters, you should share everything ok?" her father said to her and pat her head.

Dahyun just pout and push her toys towards her unnie. Nayeon smile at her and get the toys, make her way towards her other sisters.

"You should go and play with them you know?" J.Y Park said and stand up ready to leave his daughter.

"I'll just go and do my work, be with them ok?" J.Y Park added but Dahyun didn't nod her head and just look at her sisters.

J.Y Park sigh and leave the room. "Dahyun unnie, let's play" a 3 years old Chaeyoung said to the latter.

"I'll just walk outside" Dahyun said and left the room. She then peek at the hallway to see the men of her father around.

She sigh, "Nayeon unnie, why are you even going out? I can't sneak out now" she mumble to herself and walk towards her room.

"Hmm... I'll just sneak out using my window" she said to herself and look at her window. It's quite high but she want to sneak out of her room.

She then get her blanket and tied it at her chair. "This won't move right?" she ask herself and try to pull the chair using the blanket.

When she make sure that it won't move, she then place the other end of the blanket outside the window.

"Nice one Dahyun" she said to herself when she finally got down her window. She then peek at the side of their mansion to see no one.

She then run away from their mansion. "Where am I going anyway?" she ask herself then look back to see that she's finally far from their mansion.

"Whewe awe you going?" she got startle when someone spoke behind her. "Oh my! Yah! Why did you do that!?" the 4 years old Dahyun exclaim and held her chest.

"Because you seems in a huwwy, and what awe you doing hewe outside?..." the person ask her.

"Because my bodyguards might find me" she said and look back where she came from. She then saw a van- more like their vehicle.

"That must be them, come with me if you don't want them to find you" the person said to Dahyun.

"What? I don't even know who you are" Dahyun exclaim. She's actually freaking out inside because they are already near them.

"Come on, ow you might get caught, it's youw choice anyway" the person said to her. Dahyun look back at where the van is and sigh.

"Let's go" she said and get the hand of the person then drag her towards the woods. "Whewe do you want to go?" the person ask her.

Dahyun look around the woods. "I don't know, do you know where can we go?" she ask the person in front of her.

The person then think for a moment. "Let's go to the playgwound" she exclaim and drag Dahyun towards the other end of the woods.

It's not that far where they came from and on the other side of the road is a playground. "Wait, what if the owner sees us?" Dahyun ask as she saw the 'No Trespassing' sign.

"The ownew won't visit this place so it's safe" the person said to her.

"Are you sure?" Dahyun ask as she look around. The playground is still clean, the see-saw, swing, slide and the others are still functioning well.

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