33: Yesterday

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Lisa's PoV
"Daddy..." Naeun said as she shake my body. "Hmm?" I hummed as I keep my eyes shut.

Yesterday night is fun, Tzuyu and I play archery while waiting for Naeun. She said that she's great because she have an archery buddy.

"And we're now here" Tzuyu said as soon as we stop at a door, at the very end of the hallway.

"Woah daebak!" I exclaim as we walk inside the room. It's actually an archery room with full of different bow and arrows.

I also saw some couches at the corner with a mini kitchen at the side, that's probably the snack area.

"This is my place" my train of thoughts got cut off when Tzuyu spoke.

"Really?" I ask her as I trace my hands at the bow. They are perfectly made by some good hands.

"Yeah, I would always be here inside the archery room and always play alone" she said and get a bow with an arrow.

"Well, I'm now here so you now have a playmate" I said and get the bow that I like and the arrows.

"Let's start?" she ask and I nod my head. She then position herself and ready the arrow then release it.

She scored 7, "Not bad" I said to her and she look at me while smiling. "I'm not that great but I can play it though" she said.

I nod my head then position myself. I then aim it at the ten before releasing it from my grasp.

Bullseye! I look at Tzuyu and saw that she's looking at my target with a mouth hung open.

"Well, that may be just luck" she mumble but enough for me to hear it. You wish Chewy~.

She again did the same thing and it landed at 9 this time. I also did the same and it's still on 10.

We continue to play archery, she would always be around 7,8,9 or 10 while I'm always at 10.

"How can you even stay at 10!?" she ask as we view our scores at the monitor above our head.

"Uhm.... practice?" I said more like asking her. "Can you teach me how? I've been doing archery since I'm in my middle school and I still need some improvement" she said to me.

"Alright, you need to this one" I said and went beside her, held her hand hands at the front and at the back.

"Make sure to stabilize the bow and look at the target like how you look at your crush" I said to her and held her hand tightly.

I'm back hugging her actually and leaning my face near her side profile.

"Right? If you're looking at your crush it's so stable with heart eyes" I said to her as her hands stop on shaking.

Her body got stable after I said that. "Now, I want you to release the arrow like it's a heart that is going to your crush" I said to her as she release the arrow.

See? Bullseye! "Lisa..." Tzuyu called as I was looking at the target. "Hmm?" I said and look at her.

She then step forward and tiptoe to reach me. Huh? What is she going to do? We're now inches apart and when I move, our lips will surely touch each other.

She's about to close the gap when the door burst open then we heard a gasp. "CHOU FUCKING TZUYU!" I look at the door to see the others looking at us in shock.

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