8: They're here

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Lisa's PoV
Yesterday's visit at Jinyoung's house is awful. Yeah, they still hate me but whatever, I'm just here to help them anyways.

"Good morning unnie" Yeji said as soon as she exited our bedroom.

"Good morning" I said to her and put the omelette at the plate. "I still can't believe that you will marry your bullies" she said and sat at the table.

"Is Lisa still sleeping?" I ask her. Lia actually sleep here because it's already late yesterday and I don't want her to walk late at night.

"She's already washing up unnie" she said to me. "That's good then, let's wait for her to finish" I said to her and get the extra chair.

After some time, the bedroom door open and it reveal Lia on Yeji's uniform. "Good morning Lisa unnie and Yeji" she said and smile.

Aww... she's really cute when she smile. "Good morning Lia, let's eat" I said to her.

She then sat down in front of Yeji and I place a rice and omelette at their plates.

"Thank you unnie" they both said and smile at me. I smile back at them and nod. "Go on, eat now" I said to them.


"Just place it at the sink, I'm gonna wash it and you two should be at school now" I said to them.

"Unnie, I can wash it" Yeji said. I shook my head, it's already 6:25 and they still need to be at school before 6:30 or else, they will have a red card.

"It's alright, I can do it and besides, you two are running late" I said to them. Yeji sigh, "alright unnie" she said.

"Bye Lisa unnie, thank you for the food" Lia said and hug me. I hug her back.

"That's nothing Lia" I said to her. She broke the hug and smile at me. "Bye unnie" Yeji said and kiss my cheeks.

"Bye Yej, text me if you're already at school ok?" she nod her head as they both walk out of the kitchen. I heard the door open and close then I sigh.

Nayeon's PoV
We're now here at the school. There's a ruckus again, in the middle of the parking lot and I guess, it's different for now.

"What is it this time?" I heard Mina mumble. We walk towards the crowd that made the people to make way for us.

"What are you all doing here?" I said coldly that made the people to look behind them and gave all of us a smile.

"Good morning our beautiful future wife" they all said and smirk. "I ask all of you" I said to them.

"Well, Mr. Bang said that we should study where our future wife is studying so here we our" Taehyung said and smile at me.

He then walk towards my direction and try to reach my hand but a hand stop him to do so.

"She feel uncomfortable Taehyung, why don't you just stop?" I look at my side and saw Lisa glaring at the latter.

Taehyung harshly pulled his hand from her grip. "And what will you do nerd? You will bully us? You can't even defend yourself at them" he said and smirk.

"Because I respect them, not like you who just don't have a respect for woman" Lisa said.

I suddenly felt a heat coming to my cheeks. I turn my back to them because I don't want them to see me like a tomato.

I saw my sisters are also red. Why is that? And what is this? Am I angry that's why I'm red? Or I'm blush- Aish! Nayeon, you shouldn't ok!?

"Tss... whatever, see you later Nayeon my love" Taehyung said and give me a flying kiss.

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