13: Young Nayeon

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No one's PoV
A 5 years old girl run away from her home after hearing that she'll have another sister.

She then slow down her pace and look around just to see an unfamiliar place. "You must be lost" she then look at her back to see a silhouette.

"Who are you?" she ask as she approach the silhouette. "I'm Pwanpwiya" the girl said to her.

"What?" the 5 years old girl ask the latter. She really didn't heard what does the girl said to her.

"I said I'm Pwanpwiya" the girl answer the 5 years old girl. "I'll call you Ppeu ppeu then" the 5 years old girl said to her. The girl actually have a pouty lips and it remind here of a kiss.

"My dad sometimes call me Ppeu ppeu" the 4 years old girl said to her. "Really? Why?" the 5 years old girl ask her.

"Because he said my name at Kowea pwonouns as Ppeu-wan-ppeu-wi-ya" the 4 years old girl said to her.

"What should I call you?" she added as she walk towards the bunny look like girl. "Aha, I think I alweady know" she said.

"What?" the 5 years old girl said and look at the girl who's already beside her.

"Bunny!" she said and smile widely at the girl. The bunny look like girl look at her confused, "ehhh? Wae?" she ask her.

"Because you look like a bunny with those teeth" she said and point at the girl's front teeth. "Ehh? Dad said that this is just natural" she said to her.

"Yes it is" the girl said to her. The 4 years old girl then look at the direction where she came from and saw a silhouette.

"I gotta go Bunny, dad must be finding me now" she said and kiss the latter's cheeks.

"But..." the 5 years old girl said but she stop herself when she saw the man lift the 4 years old girl.

"I still hasn't know your name" she mumble to herself and look down. She just wanted to know the girl's name because she really can't understand the girl earlier.

"Nayeon!" she then look up to see some of her dad's men and her dad. "Nayeon!" the man said as soon as he saw his daughter.

"Nayeon baby, where did you go?" he ask as he hug his daughter. "I just run away dad" little Nayeon said to her father.

"Don't do that again ok?" J.Y Park said to her daughter and hug her again. "Yes dad" Nayeon said to him.

They came back at their house and Nayeon quickly run towards her room and lock the doors.

"Ppeu ppeu? I hope we still see each other tomorrow" she said and change her clothes then slam her body at the bed.

-Next Morning-
The next day, Nayeon quietly leave their mansion. She then run towards the path that she cross last night.

She then sat at the broken building- where she and the girl sat last night- and wait for the girl to come back.

"Bunny?" she flinch when she heard a voice behind her. "OMG! You scared me" she said and held her hand.

'Ppeu ppeu' then sat beside her and held her hand. "I'm sowwy Bunny, I didn't know you easily get scawed" 'Ppeu ppeu' said.

"Aish! Don't do that again ok?" Nayeon said to the latter and she nod her head. "What awe you doing hewe Bunny?" 'Ppeu ppeu' ask her.

"I'm just here to get some fresh air" she said to her. "Ehh? Is that even weal? Youw house is a metew away fwom hewe" the girl said to her.

Nayeon then sigh and look at the 4 years old girl. "Fine, I'll be honest to you Ppeu ppeu" she said to the girl.

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