11: Missing Yeji

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Lisa's PoV
"Good morning-" I cutted myself off when I didn't felt the presence that I always feel every morning.

"Right, she's not here" I said and smile bitterly. I already miss my sister and I wanted to see her now.

I stand up from my bed- by the way, the bed here is so comfy and soft- and walk towards the bathroom- and it has a bathroom- and strip on my clothes.

This breakfast is gonna be a lonely breakfast. Aish! I still can't believe that I'm going to marry my bully.... not just one of them but all of them.

I'm thankful that they didn't bully me here yet. It's surprising that they didn't even touch me.

But whatever, I don't care anyway. I quickly walk out of the bathroom and walk towards the closet.

The closet is nice, it's wide and everything but.... I don't have so many clothes. I then get this clothes and wear it.

Argh! Where did I even put my glasses!? Ugh! Nevermind, I'll just find it after I finish cooking

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Argh! Where did I even put my glasses!? Ugh! Nevermind, I'll just find it after I finish cooking.

I then walk out of the room and walk down towards the kitchen. My room is at the end of the second floor and that's not good.

It's just 5:30 in the morning, I then walk towards the fridge to get the ingredients. Hmm... what should I cook? It's not like they are going to eat it anyways.

I decided to cook kimchi fried rice, Jennie unnie's signature dish. I'm pretty excited to cook kimchi fried rice again.

Last time I cook this one is I'm with Seulgi, Jennie unnie and Irene unnie. Yeji is our judge that time, she taste the 4 kimchi fried rice and she said that Jennie unnie's kimchi fried rice is still the same and still the one.

I finish cooking, well I learn how to cook fast and make it tasty with my father's help when I'm still 7 years old.

He said that he was a chef when he finish his collage. I then place the plate- that have kimchi fried rice- on the table and I sat down.

I get a kimchi fried rice and eat. Ugh! This really sadden me when Yeji wasn't eating with me.

I suddenly don't have the urge to eat wants on my plate. I raise the plate and stand up from my seat, I cover my plate with another plate, just gonna eat that later.

Momo's PoV
I'm finally awake, I look at the wall clock and it's already 6:00 in the morning. I just wear something that is really comfortable, we're going to practice anyway.

I then walk out of my room and walk down of the stairs. I can smell something that is really delicious.

Wahh! A new dish!? I quickly get a spoon and taste this dish. Wahh!! It's heaven! What is the name of this dish?

"Momo unnie, what are you eating?" Dahyun ask as soon as she saw me eating this dish.

"I also don't know Dubu, just taste this and it's really good" I said to her. She look at me in confusion, "where did you get that nickname?" she ask.

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