24: Young Tzuyu

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No one's PoV
A 3 years old girl is waiting for her service. School isn't fun as what she always say to her father, she doesn't want to go to school in short.

She just want to stay home and always play on her toys and electronics. She's this girl who just want to chill inside her room.

"Aish! Appa shwould just lwet mwe study at hwome" she mumble to herself and sat down underneath the tree.

"At least you awe studying at the school" she got startle when someone spoke beside her.

"Y-yah! Whwo arwe ywou?" she ask and ready her fist. Yeah, she's brave and tall for a 3 years old girl.

"I'm Pwanpwiya, but you can call me Pwiya" Pranpriya said, held her hands out for a handshake and smile at the latter.

The 3 years old girl examine the person in front of her. She examine her face, big eyes- like a doll eyes-, pinkish lips, slightly chubby cheeks and a mid-way hair to her shoulder.

She smile back and accept the hand. Pranpriya isn't harmless, that's what inside her head.

"I'm Tzuyu" Tzuyu said and shook their hands. "Chewy" Pranpriya said. "Nwo, it's Tzuyu" Tzuyu said to her and broke the hand contact.

"But I like to call you Yoda, you look like my favowite chawactew" Pranpriya said to her and smile.

Tzuyu thought that the girl in front of her is cute and charming at the same time. She has this kind of charisma that will surely attract girls.

"What awe you doing hewe at my twee Yoda?" Pranpriya ask the latter. Tzuyu then look at her with a raise brow.

"This isn't ywours wok" Tzuyu said to her and glare. "What? This is mine because I always come hewe" Pranpriya said to her.

"Nwo, I dwon't wevwen swee ywou hwerwe" Tzuyu said to her and cross her arms.

Pranpriya sigh, "it's because I'm always at ouw house" she said to her and stand up. "Whwerwe arwe ywou gwoing?" Tzuyu ask and stand up also.

"Come with me" Pranpriya said to her and about to held her hand but Tzuyu move it away.

"Nwo, I dwon't wevwen knwow ywou that much" Tzuyu said to her and shook her head multiple times.

Pranpriya sigh, "I'm not hawmless I pwomise, even if I die" Pranpriya said to her and raise her hand to make the promise.

"Rweally? But I wwon't accwept thwe wevwen if ywou die" Tzuyu said to her. "Wae?" Pranpriya ask and sneakily get the latter's hand.

"I dwon't want any wonwe two die" she said and shake her hands again and again. Pranpriya successfully get the latter's hand.

"Whwerwe wwe wevwen gwoing?" Tzuyu ask as she felt the latter's soft hands. "Just at the back of the twee" Pranpriya said to her and smile.

Tzuyu nod her head and get her bag from the ground. "Look at this, I gwaved it hewe because I might get lose if I will find my twee" Pranpriya said.

Tzuyu then look at the graved name, it says 'Pwanpwiya💛'. "Did ywou cwolwor this hweart?" Tzuyu ask as she trace her hands on the graved name.

"Of couwse, I like colow yellow that's why I colow it yellow" Pranpriya said to her. Tzuyu nod her head and examine the graved name.

"Can ywou alswo makwe mwe wonwe?" Tzuyu ask as she look at the older girl with pleading eyes.

"Of couwse, I'm also planning to make my fwiends a gwaved name hewe and tell them that" she said and smile at the latter.

"I'm ywour friwend nwow?" Tzuyu ask pointing at herself. Pranpriya nod her head and look up at the latter with a smile.

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