36: Naeun

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Lisa's PoV
I quickly open my eyes just to see the surrounding is so unfamiliar. Where am I? The interior design is incredible, I'm not inside Twice's house nor Taeyeon's.

"You're awake now" I look at the door to see a girl with a tray of food. Who is she? She seems familiar to me.

"Here, eat this then go down stairs ok?" she said and place the food at the side table. "Where am I?" I finally open my mouth.

She look at me and smile, "You're here inside my condo...?" she said more like asking.

I look at her closely, she's really familiar... where did I saw her? "Who are you?" I ask her and back away.

She chuckle and stand up straight. "You have a bad memory? I see" she said and smile at me again.

"I'm Lee Jieun, remember?" she said to me. Ahh, the new student. I nod my head on her and look at the food.

Wahh! Gamjatang! How can she even know my favorite? "I ask Taeyeon what's your favorite food" she said that made me look at her.

"Where's Taeyeon?" I ask her and get the gamjatang then eat it. "She's downstairs, do you want me to call her?" she said but I just shook my head.

"I'll just go downstairs" I said to her and she nod her head. I watch her walk out of my room and started eating again.

After some minutes, I finally finish eating and drink the water. I then get the tray and walk out of the room.

"So you mean that Ms. Bruschweiler is Lisa's mother?" I heard Taeyeon said. What? I thought I don't have a mother.

"Yes and she just die because of so many complications" Ahh... my mom is a Manoban, that's what dad said because the two of them got married.

But dad didn't told me what does my mom's really surname. "Lisa!" my thought suddenly got cut off when Taeyeon called me and run to my direction.

I quickly catch her and her tight. "What happened to you baby? Jieun said that she saw you at the hallway getting beaten up" she said.

"I-uhh, I was about to go at your classroom when Taehyung and his siblings came then beat me up" I said to her that made her hug me tighter.

"Don't worry, they will pay for that" she said but I think there's another meaning on that. I just shrugged it off and broke the hug.

"What is it?" I ask them and look around to see the clock. Ahh... it's just 9. I look away from the clock but quickly look again.

9!? I need to go home now! "Sorry! My wives are probably waiting for me!" I said and quickly walk to the door.

"Wait Youn- I mean Lisa!" I look behind to see Jieun. "Yes Jieun?" I said and she quickly get something upstairs.

I look at Taeyeon confusedly. She chuckle and walk to my direction, "You forgot your bag and phone that's why she's going to get it" she said.

"Ahh..." I said and scratch my not so itchy nape. She giggle at my action and tiptoe, "I really love you" I smile at what she said.

"I really love you too" and yes, I still really love her whatever happens. "Do you want me to drive you there?" she ask.

I shook my head no and smile at her. "I can manage.... and besides it's already late" I said to her.

"Yes it is, why don't you just sleep in here?" I look at Taeyeon's back to see Jieun with my bag and cellphone.

"I can't, my sister and Jinyoung are at their house" I said to them. That's true though, they are inside their house because Jinyoung is going to tell me something.

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