6: Proposal

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Jeongyeon's PoV
"Just pay someone dad, tell them to act that we're in a relationship" I said disappointedly.

I don't want my sister to suffer at those man. "We can't do that Jeongyeon, you know that they will just get a higher amount of money" dad replied.

"Appa is right Jeongyeon unnie" Jihyo said to me. "And they will probably the one who's going to be a creep" Chaeyoung added.

I sigh, should we just accept their agreement? "No, I won't risk my daughter's life because of their company" dad said.

I sigh, but what about the company? I thought our company's stock is getting lower and lower.

"It will came back to normal dad, don't worry" Tzuyu said to our father. Dad sigh, "they won't stop doing that when the 9 of you finally get a partner" he said.

"We know that appa, but we still don't want to be in a relationship" Sana said to him.

"Yeah right, but she already have a ex" Momo said that earn a nod from the sanake.

"Anyways, always lock the door ok? I'm gonna find the right persons" dad said that earn a nod from all of us.

"Bye appa" we bid our goodbye to him before he close the door of our house.

"What are we gonna do now?" Momo ask all of us. "Let's just wait for dad to find the right person" Nayeon said.

"What if that creepy guys will show up tomorrow? I wish appa will find that person as early as possible" Jihyo said.

"We hope too" we all said at the same time. I wish that person or persons if ever, but why does dad said person? Is it just one? Not nine?

Lisa's PoV
"Yeji!" I called as soon as I step inside our small apartment.

"Unnie!" she called as soon as she saw me. She then walk to my direction and give me a big hug.

"Hi Lisa unnie" I look at the person who called me and it is Lia. "Ohh.. hi Lia" I said and wave at her.

"Unnie, we're doing our project" Yeji said to me. I look at her and smile. "I'm gonna buy the two of you a lunch" I said and about to leave but Lia prevented me to.

"No need Lisa unnie, we already eat snack" she said and smile at me. "Alright then, Yeji" I said and called Yeji.

She tilt her head like a kid and gave me a confused look. "Here, I know you need this" I said and gave her a paper bag.

"What's this?" Yeji ask and open the paper bag. She then get the thing inside the paper bag and lift it up.

"I know that you need a laptop but maybe.... that will work?" I said to her. She look at me with teary eyes and quickly hug me.

"Unnie, you shouldn't buy me this. You know that you're the one who need this" she said. I hug her back and shook my head.

"You're the one who really need that Yej" I said to her and pat her back. She broke the hug and wiped her tears.

"I'm gonna go and use this unnie, thank you very much" she said and kiss my cheeks. I smile at her and pat her head.

They both walk towards the living room and Lia help my sister how to use the iPhone.

I walk towards our bedroom and change my clothes. Need to work because the money that I earn was on Yeji's new phone.

"Yej" I called for her as soon as I exited the bedroom. "Yes unnie?" she said and look at me.

"I'm gonna go to work ok? Just wait for me here and let's eat dinner together? Join us later Lia" I said to her friend.

"Alright Lisa unnie" she said and smile. Aww... they are really cute. "Bye, lock the door ok?" I said to them and walk out of the apartment.

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