16: Alone with Dubu

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No one's PoV
"Uhm... did I say something wrong?" Lisa ask as she saw Dahyun glaring at her.

She secretly peek at her not so expensive watch and it says that they are 30 minutes late already.

She cursed inside her mind, cursing Dahyun because she can't attend her first class 'cause she got dragged by the latter.

Dahyun shrugged her shoulder and look away from Lisa's beautiful brown orbs. "So... I'm gonna ask you again Ms. Kim..." Lisa started.

'Aish! Just call me Jagiya! Or wifey!' Dahyun thought and curse Lisa inside her head. "Why did you dragged me here?" she ask.

Dahyun take a deep breathe and look again at Lisa. The latter then shot her a questionable looks.

"Don't call me like that again" Dahyun said, laced with coldness as she said those words.

Lisa look at her, confusion visibly taking over her whole face. She then look somewhere and remembered the words that she said earlier.

"I already apologize Ms. Kim, I'm sorry for ca-" she got cut off when Dahyun raise her hands for her to stop.

"I just said stop calling me that" she said to the latter. For the second time around, her whole face screams confusion.

"I didn't call you anything Ms. Kim" she said to her. Dahyun then close her eyes and take a deep breathe.

'She's the smartest here at school and she's the best idiot that I also know' Dahyun thought to herself.

"Like I said..... don't call me Ms. Kim anymore" Dahyun said to her. Lisa just nod her head even tho she didn't know why.

"What should I call you then?" Lisa ask her as she lock her eyes at the tofu like girl. The girl suddenly blush, clearly remembering what she did earlier.

"Just call me whatever you want" she said as she place a fake-annoyed tone. The latter then nod her head and smile.

"I'll call you Dubu then" she said and smile widely as she saw the girl in front of her, liking the nickname she said- or it's just her thought.

Dahyun's PoV
Dubu? I suddenly remember Monkey. Where is she now? Is she doing fine? "Uhh... did I say something wrong?" I look at Lisa again and smile.

"Nothing, I just remember something" I said to her as she just nod her head. "Uhh... Dubu, I'm already late for class" she said to me.

I look at my watch and saw that I'm also late. Teachers can't do anything anyway.

"Just ditch your first subject, let's go" I said as I drag her down the stairs. "Where are we going?" she ask as we came down the stairs.

"Just watch ok?" I said that earn a nod from her. I look again at my watch, we still have 40 minutes 'till the next subject come.

Every subject here is always 1 and a half hours so we still have some time.

I then quickly walk towards my car and open the door for her. "Get in now" I said with a smile on my face.

She look so confused which I find cute. She still do it anyway and I close the door, walk my way towards the other side and enter the car.

I then start the car and we drove off the school. "Uhm... where are we going again Dubu?" she ask as she tilt her head side ways while looking at me.

I giggle at her reaction. "We're going somewhere special" I said to her. She's really confused but nod anyways.

We finally came at our destination. "We're here" I said to her and she look outside the window and saw the place.

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