39: 2nd day (P.1)

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No one's PoV
"Lisa!-" Nayeon cut herself off when she saw Lisa sleeping peacefully at her bed. She giggle at Lisa's position and walk to the younger's direction.

She then sit up at the bed and admire the monkey who's sleeping soundly. "How I wish you will end up with me" she started.

She then held her hand and brought it at the latter's hair. "I wish I will be the girl that will always be at your side forever" she continue.

She then carress the latter's soft locks and smile sadly. "But I think this timeline isn't ours baby, I will wait for that time to come and I hope you will wait for me too" she said.

She then wipe the tears that flowing down her eyes and look again at Lisa. "It hurts ok? I didn't even know that I will fall for the nerd" she said and rolled her eyes.

"It's not that I complain or what but I just didn't expect that to happen, didn't also know that you're my first love" she said and giggle.

"I will let you go this time... again, but I won't let you go on our next time line" Nayeon finished off and stand up from where she is seating.

She then look down at Lisa again and lean in to kiss her forehead. "I love you Jagi~" she said as she quivery gave Lisa a lingering kiss on her forehead.

She then lean backwards and walk out of Lisa's room with a heavy heart. She didn't notice Jeongyeon who's looking at her in shocked.

"I thought Nayeon unnie doesn't have a feelings for her?" she mumble to herself and enter the room with still Lisa on that position.

"Lisa..." Jeongyeon said and sigh. She then approach the latter's bed and crouch down to level Lisa's face.

"I didn't even know what happen to me" she started and look lovingly at Lisa. "I don't want to hurt you every time I see you with bruise" she continue.

"To be honest..." she pause and a tear escape her eyes. "I don't like seeing you in pain" she said and she held out her hand and touch Lisa's cheeks.

"I don't really know what gotten to me when I'm hurting you" she said and wipe her tears. "But now I know.." she said.

"You left me that day, I'm really upset because you just left me a letter that time" she said and bury her face on the bed comforter.

"I didn't have time to say my goodbye to you personally" she said and turn her head at the side to see Lisa's things on the table.

She then stand up and walk to the table to see an album. She then open it and saw bunch of their pictures.

"She still keep us" she said and trace the picture where all of them are in. She then close the album and walk towards Lisa's direction again.

"I love you" she said and lean in to kiss Lisa's cheeks. She wipe her tears and walk out of the room with a heavy heart also.

Momo look at Jeongyeon like she committed a crime. "I thought she doesn't love Lisa? We even have a talk yesterday" she mumble and enter the room.

She saw Lisa sleeping while her face is facing the door- well, it's still her position anyway. "Hi Lice" she said and sat down on the bed.

She stare at the latter's face for a second and smile. "I'm grateful that you're here with me" she started but her face quickly change into a frown one.

"I just don't want you to leave me behind again" she said and a tear escape her eyes. "Why am I even being like this?" she ask and chuckle.

She then wiped the tears that keeps flowing down her eyes and sniff. "I look like dumb here" Momo said and laugh.

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