32: Youngest to oldest

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Lisa's PoV
"How did you know my nickname?" I ask her. Her smile drop and look at me worriedly.

"Y-you didn't know w-who I am?" she ask as she point at herself. "I know you, you're Sana who's the 4th daughter of Jinyoung" I said to her.

She back away from me, "You really don't know me?" she ask as she point at herself.

"You're Jinyoung's daughter" I said to her. What does she even mean by 'you really didn't know me'?

"I'm Sana, the squirrel girl you know" she said to me. Squirrel girl? I don't know what is she talking about.

"I don't know what are you talking about" I said to her and back away. "What happen to you? Why did you forgot me?" she ask as tears started to build up.

"Lili, what happen to you back then?" she ask me. Huh? I just got in an accident back then.

"A car came running at my direction when we're about to go at Busan back then" I said to her that made her walk to my direction and hug me tight.

"I'm sorry if I'm not with you back then" she said that made me confused. "I'm really sorry" she said and cry.

I got panic, I hug her back and rub her back. "Don't cry, Jinyoung will punch me if he knew this" I said to her.

"I'm really sorry" she said and hug me tighter. She then bury her face on my chest.

Tzuyu's PoV
We're now here at the house. We didn't saw Sana unnie and Lisa inside, maybe they are still at school.

"Let's wait for them at the living room" Momo unnie suggested.

We all wall at the living room, seating at the couch while looking at everywhere to kill the boredom.

We just seat there, silence engulf the whole living room with an awkward atmosphere.

After awhile, we heard the door open indicating that someone open it.

We heard a footsteps coming towards the living room that made all of us to stand up and look at the entrance of the living room area.

"Oh... hi guys!" Lisa said and wave at us. Suddenly, all of us run to her and hug her tightly.

"Ohh" she exclaim and raise her arms above her head. Can she just hug me?

"Unnies, I think you all should get out" I said to them but they all shook their heads.

"No, you should be the one to lossen up" Nayeon unnie said. "Come on Nabongs, you should lossen up"  Jeongyeon unnie said.

"You two should lossen up" Momo unnie said and try to move Nayeon unnie and Jeongyeon unnie's arms away but they tightly hug Lisa.

"Momo get out, you're so fat" Jihyo unnie said to Momo unnie.

"What? You're the only one who's fat here" Momo unnie said. "Unnies, I can't breathe" Mina unnie said quietly.

"Minari" Lisa said and push us then held Mina unnie's hand. "Are you ok?" Lisa ask and look at Mina unnie.

Mina unnie blush and look down. "I-i'm fine" she mumble and look at Lisa.

Tss... is she a teenager girl who's looking at her crush shyly? She's already an adult and yet she act like younger than me.

"Ok" Lisa said and smile at her. "Hi Pokpak" Chaeyoung said and cling on Lisa's arms.

"Ehh?" Lisa look at Chaeyoung in confused. She's probably thinking how she got that nickname.

"Aish! Get out, I want to some alone time with Ppeu ppeu" Nayeon unnie said and cling on Lisa's right arm.

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