Sir Yes Sir

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Sleep used to be the one place I could dream with no limits. The one time I could get out of my head and into a world I wanted to be in. Where I can think up of something better than the things I've known when I was awake. When I was little I would go to sleep and dream of princes and going on vacation or going to concerts with friends. I was surrounded by loved ones and family and it was always something I hated waking up from.

Now my dreams are filled with gun shots and the death of my friends, my brothers and sisters I loved with all my heart. Of me losing the one man I never thought I could ever live without. Those dreams became nightmares quicker than I would like to admit. And even though I'm done fighting, even though I'm thousands of miles away from the pain and the suffering, I still can't get away from the memories.

Because all the bad stuff that's happened to me is in my head and it wasn't leaving. No matter how far away I get away or how hard I try, my brain was etched with every awful thing I saw and did. Where I used to escape to is where I am now trapped with no escape.

Most nights I don't sleep much, and I'm used to it. In the army you wake up at 0500 at the latest and you're on your way. My body can run off little sleep for weeks at a time. But I was hoping that now I could actually rest, I guess I was wrong.

I go to the floor to ceiling windows of my apartment and just look out over the city. No one was out thanks to the statewide curfew and I have to admit, the city was beautiful when it was quite like this. No honking or yelling or hustle and bustle. Just peace and wonder for people like me who doesn't really know what all is out there. I'm sure it's amazing. This coronavirus thing has surely changed my plans but I don't mind being stuck in the apartment for a little.

I decide to make myself some tea to try and relax. It was 3 am and I had nothing better to do. So I get on my phone and just read through some things about the virus and everything we're doing to prevent it from spreading. Chicago has been pretty awful when it comes to containing this thing but everyone was working hard to make a change.

Suddenly I see I got a message and look to see who the hell was up right now and wanted to get ahold of me. I see it was Anthony and smile to myself when I see his name on my phone.

It was kind of crazy how we met and how close we were from the start. I mean, from the moment our hands touched I knew this, whatever this is, is different. Then to find out we're neighbors and we're going to be stuck together made it all seem a bit crazy. What are the chances we ended up together in what has been a crisis for this country? For the world? I was in desperate need of someone in this city who I could trust and lean on, and I'm glad it was him.

So I open up the message and see what he had to say.

Hey Jazz! Are you up?

Unfortunately I am

Are you in the mood for a midnight snack?

It's 3 am..

Okay, a early morning snack then?

I bite my lip as I think of what to say. I wanted to be cautious with him because I didn't want to start something I couldn't finish. I really don't know how long I'll be here, especially with a pandemic going on. I'm here as a gift from the Veterans Association to help me figure out life outside of the wars, and my lease was up in September and I'm excited to find something new to do with my life once the times is right. I don't want to get close to him and all of the sudden him not be there anymore, or even worse, I can't be there for him. I know how tough my life is, but he doesn't seem like a problem in my life. More like... fate. A fate of what? I'm not really sure. But I was willing to find out.

Come on up.

Within three minutes he was standing in my kitchen as I pull out some food. I got enough food to last me two weeks but if this guy keeps coming over it won't last that long.

"Can I ask you a favor" he wonders as he leans on the counter. His muscles bulging out of his fitted shirt he was sporting.

"What's up" I ask as I toss a grape in my mouth.

"I couldn't help but notice that you are in really good shape, and I really want to get into good shape for this season. You know... if we have a season" he chuckles.

"Are you bad in shape now" I question as I look him over. He looked pretty fit to me.

"No, not really. I mean baseball isn't a lot of cardio so I don't need to be able to run a marathon. But I would like to be quicker and more athletic. Who better to learn from than someone who was in the army" he shrugs.

"Quarantine has you that bored" I tease as he smiles down at me. His big brown eyes staring right back at me.

"Pretty much. I mean the difference between my team and the next starts with the work I put in now. I can sit in front of the tv all day eating snacks... or I can learn from the best" he insists.

"You think I'm the best" I scoff.

"I looked you up you know. Not in a creepy way, but after seeing all your awards I was curious as to what you had to do to get these things and what they mean. And there might be a lot on the internet about me but you're just as popular in your own right. You've helped run some of the most important operations in modern history, you've saved dozens of peoples lives and everyone who served beside you had nothing but the greatest things to say. Even President Obama was honored to meet you and give you a medal, that's insane. You had the highest rank and became one of the most decorated officers. I would be honored to learn from you" he claims.

I just smile as I let a soft sigh pass my lips. This is a very persuasive man. "Alright" I nod. "I have some stuff here we can use. But no complaining" I beg.

"Sir yes sir" he saluted and I giggle.

"Adeves solider" I tease as he puts his arm down.

We finish up the fruit bowl I had made for breakfast this morning before he starts to yawn.

"Alright, I think I'm gonna call it a night. Thanks for letting me come disturb your sleep" he claims.

"It's no problem, I wasn't sleeping" I assure him.

"Well you should get some" he insists. I just wish it were that easy.

"I'll try" I promise.

He takes off and I close the door behind him. I close my eyes and let out a sigh.

I have no idea what I'm getting myself into.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now