Take You Out

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"Ten more minutes" Jazz calls out as I try everything in my might to catch my breath. And that was easier said than done because I felt like I was playing in Colorado right now.

"Ten more minutes" I wheeze as I grab for my chest. I swear this girl has Iron lungs.

Since Jazz was about to go help out the national guard and it's covid protection program she wanted to work out extra hard. Not that she wasn't already more fit than she needed to be in order to help pass out tests and masks. But there's no telling this girl to slow down, I knew that much.

"We're almost done, you can do it! If you go the rest of the time without complaining I'll buy you ice cream" she bargains.

"I can't eat ice cream if I'm dead" I mumble.

"Exactly. So come on" she insists as she grabs my arm. She pulls me up and I knock into her a little. She laughs as I try not to topple her but she was really strong and pulled me up quickly.

"Easy there big guy" she teases as she helps me stabilize myself.

"Sorry, I didn't know I was hanging out with Thor" I tease.

"Stop being a baby" she smiles as she finally lets me go. Though I would rather she held on to me for a few more seconds.

"Alright I'm up. But only because you promised ice cream" I smirk.

We finish the workout and despite what I was feeling, I didn't die. So I shower and change and let Jazz treat me to some ice cream. She wasn't the kind of girl to let me spoil her all the time. When we have movie night she lets me get the snacks and since I'm always at her place eating her food so I try to bring the drinks and stuff. If anything she takes care of me and she liked it that way. I certainly wasn't going to complain.

We find a nice little ice cream shop and find a place to sit and eat it since we weren't really supposed to be walking around the city without a mask on and no ones businesses were open to the public right now.

So we sit upon a park bench and eat our ice cream. She gives me some of her treat and I give her some of mine. We just enjoy the time we have together because with her about to do national guard work we can't just do as we please like this. This nation needs her and I would be selfish to keep her to myself, even though I don't want to let her go either.

"If this pandemic wasn't happening and life was normal for you right now, what would you be doing" she asks randomly.

"I would be on my boat right now, sailing off into Lake Michigan not worried about what all would have changed by the time I got back" I admit.

"You have a boat here" she gasps.

"I do. I haven't been able to get to it because the docks are shut down right now. But I have a pretty nice sized boat that fits about 10 people. She rides real nice and I know the best spot to see the whole city" I smile. I missed being in the open waters with no one telling me where to go and what to do.

"I have always wanted to be in a boat not filled with explosives" she claims making me laugh. "I'm serious! The cargo boats don't go very fast and the view isn't as good."

"Well as soon as the docks open I'm taking you out" I claim.

"What was that" she smirks and my eyes nearly pop out of my head when I realize what my last sentence was.

"That's not what I mean" I nearly yell. "I mean, I would love to take you out... on the boat. You haven't really seen the city until you've seen it from out there. We can spend the whole day out there swimming and eat a nice little lunch. I have a nice sound system to play some music. It would be a lot of fun" I say.

"That would be. Maybe you can teach me how to drive it" she smirks.

"Can you teach me how to drive a tank" I ask.

"If we can find one around here I would love to teach you how to drive a tank" she smiles.

"It's a deal then" I nod.

After spending the rest of the afternoon outside we head on back to the apartment. We go up to her place and she starts to get ready to be back in the real world again.

"Why do you always insist being at my place" she wonders and I watch her unpack her army bag. She pulls out her old uniform that was now bare and sets it to the side.

"Because your place has character. I mean you turned your spare room into a workout room and your place has pictures and memorabilia. I like being here because it reminds me of you" I admit.

"Really" she asks like she doesn't believe me.

"Yes really" I smile. "I honestly could just stay at home but part of the reason I get up in the first place is the thought of coming up here and seeing you. I learn something new every day when it comes to you or life or anything like that. I feel safe here, I feel... loved here" I say slowly.

"You are" she assures me and I raise a eyebrow.

"I am" I ask.

She just rolls her eyes before shaking her head. "You're playing with fire Anthony" she warns.

"I know I know" I chuckle.

"What are you going to do when I'm gone" she jokes.

I let out a over dramatic sigh as I fall back onto her bed. "Die I guess" I say sarcastically as she playfully hits me in the chest with a pillow. "But in all seriousness if you leave the door unlocked it's fair game."

"I don't leave it unlocked when I leave" she assures me.

"Oh yeah, because leaving it unlocked when you're home is so much better" I scoff.

"I'm more than capable of beating down a intruder or two if there is ever a problem" she reminds me.

"You're right. I don't think I could defend this place like you could. That's why they need you out there though" I admit.

"And you don't need me" she jokes.

"I do. And one day when this is over and we get our lives back I'll look back to these times when I got to have you all to myself and I'll realize how lucky I was to be here with you all these days" I say.

"Do you every wish you knew just how precious moments were while you're in the moment, and not when it's too late" she wonders.

"No. But now that I think about it I agree. If this was the beginning of something great I Kinda wish I knew it was" I admit.

"I think it is" she claims making me smile.

"I hope it is" I agree.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now