Care Package

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Jazmyn has been without power for a little less than a day now as they saw about 40 inches of rain within 3 hours. There was no way to connect with her or talk to her but I know she's safe, I know she's keeping everyone else safe too. So the best thing I can do is be patient and wait to hear from her again.

And in my time sitting in the apartment by myself I decide to make her a care package. The national guard is sending notes and packages to the people they sent down there and since they know where she's stationed and everything I'm very confident she will get it.

So I try and think about what she would want as a part of Chicago down there with her to make her feel more at home. Something she could use and make her smile whenever she looks at it. So I go to the same target we first met at and look around, try and remember what she points out whenever we go shopping together.

I decide to get her a water bottle with the skyline on it. I'm sure she has a few with her already but this one was cute and I know she has a thing for water bottles. Never throws any of her water bottles away but only used like three of them. But if it makes her happy, that's what she's going to get. I put some lindore chocolate in there because it was her favorite even though she doesn't really like candy. But if she ever did eat it she always wanted chocolate, and not the fake kind. Next I find some fuzzy socks in her favorite color to keep her warm. I'm not really sure she will need these down south, but it's going to be pretty cool with it being all wet. And that girl has been wearing her fuzzy socks for weeks now anyway, I know she will use them. I find her some books she might be interested in, she liked to read a lot and she might not have light to read it but maybe she can use it to swat away bugs or keep her electronics for getting wet if some of the water gets in. I grab her a drawing pad and some sharpies for her to sketch and her favorite protein shakes before deciding it was enough. If I send her too much more she's going to yell at me for spending too much money on her.

So I check out and head home to put it in the box I picked up from the office who will get the box to her safely. I put all of the things I got her plus some things she asked for into the box and it barley fit in there. I decide to write her a little letter letting her know how much I missed her since we couldn't text or call.

"Dearest Jazmyn,

You might get this before you get power and Internet back so let me start by telling you how much I love you, because who knows how long it'll be before I get to tell you again. I hope it's not much longer, I crave the sound of your voice like I crave skittles right before a big game. I miss the warm feeling I got when you would call me "Baby". I miss knowing you were around, that was enough to make me smile, but knowing that you're gone makes it that much harder for me to have the will to do much of anything.

I hope you're meeting lots of new people, bringing them as much joy as you bring me and everyone else in the city of Chicago. I hope you're finding some kind of peace in such a terrible situation. I know how much being there means to you and I'm happy that you get to help even with your leg being messed up.

I would say I'm counting down the days until I can see you again, but we don't know when that will be. I watch the news every day and I watch as they show people being stuck in their homes, the water way over their heads. I know you're the best person to help them, I just can't wait for you to be home again where you're safe in my arms.

Until then remember I love you, through thick and thin.

Love, Anthony"

I place the note on top of everything and seal the box up. I drop it off to her people and they assure me she will have it soon. They were sending some backup down there tonight so she can get it as a soon as tomorrow. They tell me that she is doing good and that the people there love her, not that I had a doubt. With that good news I decide to go out to dinner by myself. Get my mind off of things and eat something considering I haven't eaten much since the hurricane hit.

I go to my favorite steakhouse and get some steak and potatoes. We had a home game later tonight against the Twins as our season starts to draw to a close. This was our last home series so I don't even know if I'll be home when Jazz gets back. The first series of the post season would be played with home field advantage but then we're off to a bubble and the rule on visitors is quite sketchy. I wasn't sure when I could see her again, when I could hold her in my arms and feel her heart beat in time with mine. I knew long distance is something I would have to deal with. But my girlfriend trying to be captain America wasn't something I had planned for. This pandemic wasn't something I was expecting either. This year has been life changing for me in every aspect of my life and it's still changing every day. We have a huge election coming up, we still got three months left in this never ending social nightmare. So much can happen before we even see 2021. All I know is that I'm doing whatever I need in order to make sure that out of everything that happened this year, I'll still have love.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now