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Ever since I was a little boy I knew I was going to play baseball for a living. Some things are just meant to be and I felt at home on the baseball field no matter where I was playing. I loved the feeling of a bat in my hand and the game on the line. I loved my teammates with my whole heart and being a part of history is the coolest things ever.

And I'm lucky, because there's a lot of talented baseball players out there who don't get to find the success I have. I've found a home here in Chicago with the Cubs. This team and this office is a perfect fit for me and I've found a place where I want to play the rest of my career. When I'm old and I look back at all I was able to do, I know this city is always a place where I can think of the best times of my life. Now I get to try and make some more memories in this covid shortened season.

"Maybe we should get Tony's girlfriend in here to train us too" Ian teases and I smirk.

"She would kick everyone's ass" I insist making a few guys chuckle.

"As long as I get the results you do I don't really care" Kyle Schwarber claims.

"Maybe I can see if she wants to come and drill us. I'm sure she misses her Sargent days but she was more into the commander style of leading anyway" I admit.

"I give it a week before he starts complaining that he misses her" Jason teases and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I give him three days" David chines in. Some manager he is.

"Have some faith" I beg.

"We have faith in your love. Just not your restraint" Kris tries.

"I survived 30 years without her" I remind them.

"Right. And the last time you didn't see her all day you planned a whole night together. What are you going to do when you're gone for a week then you have to quarantine when you get back" Jason asks me.

I sit there for a second as my face falls, I haven't even thought about this. Baseball was a fever dream for so long I didn't think about how it being back will affect her. How it will affect us.

This isn't like any other season where she can come to hotels and games and stuff. She literally won't be able to see me for days at a time. Every time I think we will have it easy something like this happens. Some other obstacle for us to maneuver around in order to be happy together.

And I'm willing to do it all in order to be with her. I'll go through hell and back if that means I get to be with her. But she's already jumped through all these hoops, I don't want to give her 60 more when it comes to the games.

"I haven't even asked get how she's doing with all of this. Baseball was back and I ran right out the apartment and into the season. She must think I'm a idiot" I grumble as I plop into my stall. I lean back as my hands drag down my face. How could I have missed this?

"Don't worry about it. You haven't gone anywhere yet. You still have time to talk to her about this. You both have had some time to think about the future, I'm sure you'll figure it out" David insists.

"I sure hope so" I sigh.

We finish up with practice and we get sent home. In a way summer camp was better than spring training because we get to stay in Chicago and it wasn't so cold. It's the middle of July now, it's definitely not chilly out there. I immediately go up to Jazzy's place and find her in her room. She was catching up on game of thrones and she was pretty invested. I crawl into bed with her and I lay my head in her lap. She plays with my hair for a little before she pauses the show.

"What's wrong" she asks.

"How do you know something wrong" I question. I know she knows me better than anyone but this is still creepy.

"I could feel you sighing in my lap. You only sigh like that when you're bothered, so something must be bothering you" she concludes.

"Jesus, you can tell when there's something wrong with me by the way I breathe and I didn't even ask you..." I trail off.

"Ask me what" she wonders. Her big brown eyes getting a little darker, not sure what she's getting herself into.

"About me running off to play baseball. I mean, I didn't even ask what you wanted to do about all of this. How this effects you and how you feel. I heard the word baseball and I was gone, but this changes a lot for you too and I'm a fool for not realizing this earlier" I explain. 

"Baby" she insists as she pulls my chin down. "I ran off to fight in wars. I know all about your job changing your plans" she assures me.

"That doesn't mean I should just assume that you're good with waiting around for me to come back" I insist.

The room falls silent and now it was my time to read her. "You have thought about this, haven't you" I accuse.

"A little, yeah" she admits. 

I let out a harsh sigh as I shake my head. "I knew it" I whisper. "Jazz I'm sorry I didn't communicate about this with you. I kinda just told you I was leaving and I left.

But I promise you I'm coming back to you each and every time" I try.

"I never doubted you would. I'm not worried about you not coming back. I'm worried about what happens when you're gone" she admits.

"You think I'll be unfaithful" I question.

"No" she nearly yells. "I mean, no, that's not it. I'm worried about what happens with us when your gone. I'm a half of this relationship but on my own I don't do so hot. I haven't had to be here in this city without you and I'm scared I'll be lonely" she claims.

I pull her into my side and rest my head on her shoulder. "I know baby, it's not going to be easy. But I haven't the slightest of doubt we can get through this. You and I, were like the dream team. We work together because even when I'm a idiot and I try to jump in the future without working on the present you're right here reminding me we need to talk.

I'm going to make sure I talk to you every day. We can do zoom calls and long distance dates. We can write to each other in case we can't talk. And then when I'm back I'll quarantine with you" I promise.

"You don't have to do all that" she insists.

"I know" I smile. "But I really want to."

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now