Never Letting Go

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"Stay" Anthony begs as we laid wrapped up in his bed. I look up into his big brown eyes as he gives me the best puppy dog eyes he can do.

We had spent most of the day with his parents and he had convinced me to come to his place after dinner. And this is usually when I went back to my place, but Anthony insisted that I stayed the night.

"I don't want my insomnia to keep you up" I remind him. That's why I usually skip out before he ends up awake with me.

"Just one night. Please" he begs.

"Anthony" I whine.

"We fall asleep on the couch all the time, this is no different. We can plan to do these things now instead of sleeping together by accident" he assures me.

"I haven't been in bed with someone in so long" I whisper.

"I know baby. But maybe I can help a little" he offers.

I let off a sharp sigh as I look at him.

"Alright, fine. You win" I admit.

"Yes" he cheers as he jumps up next to me. I shake my head as he starts to kiss all over my face. This man is a complete mess, I swear.

So I change and brush my teeth before joining him under the sheets. It isn't long before I'm fast asleep in his arms and the nightmares start.

"Mathew come on" I laughed as I tried to get out of bed. But his arms were wrapped around me so tight I couldn't get off the tiny twin bed we were sharing.

"A few more minutes" he mumbles as he whispers into my ear. I get chills all over my body as I relax in his embrace.

"Fine. But you're lucky I'm the highest ranking officer here or you would be in big trouble mister" I teased.

"You're not going to turn me into commander Thomas are you? I heard she's hard" he joked.

"She's trying hard best" I giggled.

"Well I think she's amazing. Beautiful, strong, smart, kind, brilliant, creative, decisive, sexy, amazing-" he went on.

"Alright I get it" I cutted him off. "You love me."

"More than anything" he claimed.

We lay there for a little as the sun still hides behind the horizon. It wasn't quite 0500 but I liked to be up early. Make sure everyone is where they need to be and I had all my information straight. But Mathew liked to run on a tight schedule and that means we don't get out our bed until 0500 exactly.

"Do you want a indoor or outdoor wedding" he asked me randomly.

"Outdoor" I reply with a smile. "Somewhere with lots and lots of grass. Maybe some mountains in the background to set the scene. And it'll be in the fall because the summer reminds us of fighting but the winter is too cold for a outdoor wedding. And we won't wear shoes, we will dance around in the grass being one with the land" I insisted.

"I thought you didn't dance" he teased.

"I don't" I smiled. "But you make me do things I don't usually do."

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now