You Have To Believe

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It's the already the end of June and things in the baseball world was getting intense. I'm talking like public labor dispute intense.

And it wasn't that hard of a concept. The players have been pitching idea after idea to the owners and each time it gets shut down. They don't want to pay us for too many games considering fans won't be there paying the bills. And I get it, I really do, this season can't and won't be like the others. But the NBA and the NHL have ideas in place already. They've agreed to terms and are starting phases to allowing thier players to play again and were forced to watch them play from the sidelines. All we wanted to do was play but the owners weren't willing to make it work.

No one was happy right now, not the players or the owners or the fans. There was a lot of angst, a lot of confusing emotions and just raw feelings. We weren't really sure what to expect, what to say in order to get us together again. The problem wasn't the corona virus, but a unnecessary labor dispute. The players who voice their concerns are shut down and we feel like we have no voice. It was hard, but we had to do something.

"Why can't we just go out and play? What's the point of owning a baseball team with no baseball" I ask Jazz as we lay tangled up on her couch. I absent mindedly play with her hair as I twirl it around my finger.

"Like many things people have forgotten why we do the things we do. They just expect us to do it and not ask any questions. But a person can take so many lies, so much betrayal before you have to stand up for what's right. Even if you're standing alone" Jazz claims.

"So how do I get back on the field" I wonder.

"Communication. And I'm not talking about you guys chirping each other on social media. I'm talking about looking at what they're doing but going one step further and asking why they're doing it" she explains.

I sit and think for a second and I let out a sigh. "They want money. They want to have total control over everything and it sucks. All we want to do is what we love. What we feel like we were put on this earth to do. There's millions of fans all over the world looking for a sign of hope through these dark times and I... there's nothing I can do" I whisper.

Jazz reaches up and softly cups my cheek. I look down in her big brown eyes and smile a little. "Have strength, Anthony. It may not seem like it but everything happens for a reason. There's a purpose in everything that happens to us and we have to trust that it is for the greater good.

I know it's hard to have faith in a system that is broken. Where you don't feel like there is a answer to your questions. But people like you can't be denied forever" she insists.

"Yeah, that's how I ended up here with you" I tease as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Whatever you say" she giggles.

"And what if they cancel the season? Manfred said that could happen if we don't figure something out" I insist.

"You have to believe. For without belief there is nothing to fight for" she claims.

"I believe in you. Can't I just hang out with you forever" I question.

"No can do big guy. Your purpose in life isn't following me around. Your fans need you, your team needs you, the kids at the hospital need you. I need you too, but I know you're not mine to keep. I'm okay with sharing you because your purpose is bigger than following me around" she claims.

"But I feel safe with you. And I know that no matter what happens I will always want to be by your side. If I could stay like this, with you, forever, I would be the happiest person ever" I say.

"That's utopia Tony. Something that's okay to dream about but isn't realistic. Like my paintings. Reality can be great but it can't be utopia, those things need to stay in you dreams. Here we have to fight for every inch we get. Every accomplishment is a testament to our strength. We can dream but we also gotta keep one foot on the ground" she claims.

"I just... I wish this whole thing never happened. I mean, the only good thing that's come from this quarantine is you. And I would stay tangled up here forever if that means I get to be with you. But I've lost baseball and family and friends locked up in here. I just want out and they took the key and threw it out the window" I sigh.

"I know it's hard. The feelings you have, they're valid. You have every right to feel the way you do. But don't let the feelings get the better of you. Feel them but control them" she argues.

I softly press my lips to the top of her head and she smiles up at me. "You're right. You're always right" I assure her.

"You got that right" she teases and I laugh.

"Thanks for listening to me rant about baseball" I insist.

"Hey, I want you out on the field just as much as anyone else. Even though I can't go it will be nice to see you and the guys on tv. I never really rooted for a team before and I can't wait to start now" she claims.

"Hopefully they figure it out soon. Because this world needs to get its mind off of things, I know I do. And with sports we can use our voices for good like supporting black lives matter or whatever it is we believe in and people will listen and our voices aren't wasted on defending ourselves" I insist.

"They'll listen. They have to listen" she promises.

"I hope I know what to say" I sigh.

"You will. You got me wrapped up and that's no easy task" she smirks.

"Like hell it isn't. But because of that it's worth it" I smile.

"And that's the same things that's happening now. One day you'll be out on the field and none of this will matter anymore. Until then, keep playing with my hair" she smirks.

"Yes mam" I nod.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now