Worth Fighting For

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After a long few weeks of going back and fourth and being the laughing stock of professional sports, baseball was finally back. It took a lot of proposals and discussions and heated disagreements but we got a 60 game season and no bubble. Each team has its own covid protocols and it's on each player to be responsible. Don't do anything stupid and stay healthy.

Now we get to put things into play. Thanks to my upstairs neighbor I was in the best shape of my life. I'm down 25 pounds since this all started in March and was ready to play this game as hard as possible. We still got a few weeks before we're allowed back on the field together. But at least we have a foot in the door.

"Thank god we don't have to do the bubbles" I scoff as I read through the guidelines again.

"You've been complaining and moaning about there not being baseball and I'm supposed to believe that if they asked you to play in a bubble you wouldn't do it" she asks.

"No. I'm not saying I wouldn't do it. I'm just saying I wouldn't be happy about it" I insist.

"And why is that" she asks.

"I guess if I was quarantined here in Chicago it wouldn't be bad. They would probably let us stay home and rent out the hotels to other teams. We have two stadiums so that's a real possibility if a bubble is where we end up. But I would hate to be stuck somewhere else" I admit.

"Please. You would thrive stuck in a hotel with your friends with nothing but drinks and hanging out together" she accuses.

"Maybe so. But I don't think I would be able to focus without you by my side" I claim.

"You've done it this long without me" she reminds me.

"And now I have you and I don't want to leave you. I mean, if it came down to it I would go. I have a duty as a player to perform and help my team out in every way possible. But as a man who is deeply in love, I would hate every moment of it" I admit. 

"Really" she asks, almost like she didn't believe me.

"Of course. It's been almost three months now, and every day I learn about you. I learn about my life with you and how much better it's become with you in it. I don't want to know my life without you" I say softly.

"I would still be here when you would get back" she promises.

"I know you would. I don't doubt that you would love me just the same if I was away. But the point is I want to be here with you. If I have a bad game you can give me good advice like you always do. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't hold you, just like this, and tell you all the ways I love you" I explain.

"I would sneak myself in to see you. I have my way of getting into places" she smirks.

"So I've noticed" I smile.

"I'll always find my way back to you" she insists.

"How do I know that for sure? You said it yourself, you're not the type of girl to get comfortable, too afraid that something will happen once things get too good. How do I know you will stay once I'm gone" I ask.

"Because of you. You're what's keeping me here, you're the reason I want to get out of bed and do anything with my life. Just the knowledge that you're here and that you will be anywhere else in this world hoping to see me is enough. Wherever you go I will be by your side. For better or for worse, through thick and through thin. Remember" she asks.

"I do" I smile.

"And I mean it, I'm not going anywhere. I told my family that Chicago was where I was needed, where I belonged. And while they wish I was a little closer to home, they're happy for me. They know how much this city means to me and how much you mean to me. I'm here as a part of this community just as you are. To help as many people as possible and to be with you" she insists.

"I couldn't possibly be the reason that for the first time in your life you decided to stay" I scoff.

"Maybe for the first time in my life I have something worth fighting for. That's actually worth fighting for. I don't want to run away from all of this, I know that if I go other places there will always be someone who needs help. I can make a difference no matter where I go. But you are here, and that's why I need to stay" she says.

"How do I make it worth it to you" I nearly beg. If I'm the reason that for once in her life she wants to stay, I want to make it up to her.

"You don't need to do a damn thing. Anthony, I fell in love with you. And the you without the baseball and all the fancy things. I fell in love with the you who loves to watch Disney movies and eat lots of twizzlers and do karaoke. Just stay true to yourself and I stay" she insists.

"I don't know what I would ever do if I were to lose you" I whisper.

"I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere" she promises.

I lean over and give her a soft kiss. I live for these seconds where I feel like the moment is just right. Where I feel like everything is exactly where it needs to be. I'm in love with the idea of two people being meant to be. Of soulmates. And when her lips are on mine and my heart is beating out of my chest, I know that all of that crappy shit, it's true. How you can love someone more than what you know is possible? How someone can be perfect for you? And not perfect in the sense that you never fight or argue or have any problems. But perfect in knowing that everything you are is something special to them. And that they see in you is everything they ever wanted.

"Promise me something" she says quietly.

"Anything" I promise.

"No matter what happens, from the virus to baseball to the protests and everything in between, never change who you are. Your heart, it's special. And your mind is open to anything. Don't let life get the best of you because you feel pressure to change. If the world lost the real you I don't know what I would do" she claims.

"Of course baby. You give me strength to stick to what I do best. And that includes loving you" I promise.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now