Times Are Changing

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As the temperatures starts to fall it becomes more evident that the year was changing yet again. In what has been the most insane 8 months of anyone's life, what little bit of normalcy we found is now starting to change again just like the leaves. And that means Jazmyn was getting called into action again. Her wounds were healed and she was as determined as ever to save people, to stand up for what she believes is right and not what she was told was right.

And as much as I hate that I'm done working but she isn't, I won't be the one to stop her from doing what she feels like gives her worth. I'm proud that after everything she still wants to fight for people. Even if they've been pretty awful to her she still believes in the people.

So I go and pick up the pictures we took the other day. I couldn't wait to see them and pick some out to put around the apartment. I wasn't trying to be that cheesy couple, but I love us and I love our relationship. And something this great needs to be put on a display.

After picking up the thumb drive I rush home and upload them to the laptop. I look through them and even I couldn't believe how good the pictures turned out. I mean the clouds in the sky looked like paid actors for these pictures. And in each and every one of them Jazmyn looked like a real life angel. She looked like she was heaven sent, and if you ask me, she was. These pictures pretty much proved my point.

I get to the end of the pictures and see a note from the photographer. He thanked us for being so kind to him and buying him lunch. Then he said that whenever we needed engagement pictures he is willing to do them at a discounted price since he worked with professional athletes and stars before and doesn't always get treated kindly.

The gears in my brain begins to turn as I think about proposing and his part in what I would want to do. It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately, and even more so since baseball was over. There really wasn't anything standing in the way of me getting down on one knee, besides the fact that we've only known each other for eight months.

But it's been the best eight months within the worst year ever. Every happy memory and good time I've had was because of her. And I want it to be like that for the rest of our lives and I know she wants the same. She doesn't want me to slip away the same way Mathew did so why not now? Why wait? We know that in the end we want to be together long after the coronavirus is running this world and baseball is done with.

The first thing I needed to do was find a ring. But it's Sunday and a lot of places are closed so I have to wait until they're all open in order to get that. Next I needed a plan, a way to propose to where it's special and something she'll always remember. For such a big decision I decide to call in some back up.

"Hello dear" her moms voice rings into my phone and I smile.

"Hey Darla. How have you been" I wonder.

"I've been pretty good. I'm missing you guys, I hope we can see you soon again" she admits and I laugh.

"Me too. I can't believe so much has changed already since we were last together" I shake my head.

"Yeah, it's been some crazy times huh" she asks.

"Considering the last time I saw you was when Jazz got shot, I would say so" I laugh.

"My daughter isn't shot again, is she" she asks.

"No, not at all. It's just that I was sitting around thinking, and I want to propose to Jazz, but I'm not sure how to do that. I know her dad has passed and so it's just you and her brothers so I want to do this right by you guys. See what you think and the best way to go about this" I explain.

"Really" she gasps.

"Yeah. We've talked about it and I don't think she knows I want to do it this soon, but I still want her to be surprised" I insist.

"Well what do you have in mind" she wonders.

"I don't even know. I was thinking about involving the boat, she loves that thing. And if I can I would love to have you and whoever else I can get ahold of from your family to be there. I just haven't figured out the how yet" I insist.

The line goes silent for a second before she gasps. "Oh" she claims and I smile at her excitement.

"What is it" I wonder.

"I've been talking to her about this for a while but she's been on the fence. I'm sure if you talk to her she will be more open to it. But I've been trying to get her to buy into the idea of having a service dog. An animal who can sense anxiety and panic attacks and help her feel a little more safe now that she has to be out in the real world.

She wants the dog but she feels like she's weak if she has a service dog helping her out. I tried to explain to her that having a dog that can aid her doesn't make her weak. Lots of people have them and they love their animals. I just know she won't refuse a dog once she sees one.

Take her to find a puppy, they technically won't be a service dog until later so by the time it's old enough she won't be able to let it go and it's a win win situation. Once she picks one out find a way to tie the ring to the collar and hand her the dog. No girl can say no to a puppy and a ring" she explains.

"Wow. I actually really like that" I smile.

"I think she will too" she insists.

"I think Jazmyn would love that" I agree. "But I do have one more question" I admit.

"Shoot away" she assured me.

"I'm going to go look at rings next week and I have this idea and wanted your opinion on it" I start.

"I'll do my best" she assures me.

"I wanted to get her a traditional engagment ring that she would like that she can wear outside of work. But I was thinking about getting a silicone band for her too so she can wear it to work and not worry about blowing her finger off or getting it caught. But I was wondering her ring size and what color to get the silicone one" I explain.

"Size 5 and do a red one, she will love it" she claims.

"That's great! Thank you so so much. Once I get a time frame in when we can get the ring and dog in play I'll send tickets your way. I can't wait to see you again" I smile.

"You too son" she replies.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now