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At the beginning of the month of June some of the athletes organized a social distanced get together with the police and the black community in the city to try and find some middle ground. Anthony was one of the first people invited and he of course wanted to be a part of it. Then his buddy Jason reached out to me in joining them and I was honored to be a part of it. Sports is prominent in this city and if anyone can change the way we do things it will be them.

So we all meet up in a school yard and have our masks on and we just talk. And we listen. We hear stories from Jason who Anthony already heard from and Malcolm Subban who is one of the very few black people in the NHL and Sam who organized this whole thing and so many more athletes. We did something that many people can't do and that's listening. Listen to things that are hard to hear. Swallow the truth that most people choose to ignore.

We break off for a little and I sit next to Anthony with his baseball friends all in a circle and we just talk some more. He had Jason Heyward and Jason Kipnis with him as we try to make sense of these things. What them as baseball players can do for these people in this city and beyond.

As we break apart for a drink break a few kids come hang out with us and tell us stories. They suggest things that might help and we will do what we can with what is given to us. I feel like, for the first time, we can actually change things.

"When I get older I want to be like you" a little voice says and I turn around. I see a little black boy sitting behind me. I turn around and move in closer so I can hear him through his mask.

"Why me" I ask.

"Because you fight for what's right. You're strong" he claims as he points to my army uniform I was wearing.

"Let me give you a little piece of advice I wish someone would have told me when I was your age and dreamed of being a martyr. Don't go running across the ocean fighting in wars over there when there's one here that hasn't been finished. I wish more than anything that what I did helped people like you, but I don't think I did what I hoped I would.

Do you have siblings" I wonder.

"I do. I have a baby brother and a older sister" he says.

"Do you love them" I ask.

"With all my heart" I admit.

"Leaving my family, my brothers, it was the hardest thing ever. And they sat around wondering if I was ever coming home. If you want to fight, fight for them, okay" I ask.

"Okay" he smiles. "Then can I be like you" he wonders.

"You can be anything you want. A solider, a athlete, a astronaut. Don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't be something. There's not a dream you can dream up you can't do. Okay" I ask.

"Okay" he cheers.

The little kid hangs out with me and I put him on my hip. I find Anthony again as he talked to the quarterback of the Bears and the captain of the Blackhawks.

"Who do you have here" Anthony asks.

"This is Jeremiah. He's five and he lives in Chicago" I say.

"What's up little man" Jonathan asks as he holds his hand up. Jeremiah gives him a high five before giggling to himself.

"I'm hanging out with Jazzie. I'm going to be like her when I get older" he tells him.

"You wanna play any sports" Mitchell asks.

"No. I want to fight for what's right. Like Jazz" he claims.

"I think that's a great idea" Mitchell admits as I smile down at the kid.

Eventually the kids and the police officers leave and the athletes were left feeling pretty good. We sit around to talk about where to go from here and what happens next.

"We're really happy you joined us" Jason Heyward claims. "It's good to see you're just as incredible as Anthony tells us."

I turn to Anthony who's eyes were about to pop pout of his head. "Oh he talks about me" I tease.

"He doesn't stop" Jason Kipnis claims making me smile. Anthony playfully hits him causing everyone to laugh.

"Well I'm honored to be here. I've been stuck inside since I moved here a little over two months ago and this is my first experience being in the city not fighting a virus. And if this is what this community is like, with guys like you willing to go straight to the root of things and try to figure out how to protect the future. Well consider me a part of it" I smile.

"We're lucky you have someone experienced in fighting like you. I would much rather have you on our side than against us" Jonathan jokes.

"You guys have something good started here. And I hope it's here to stay" I admit.

We finish up and Anthony grabs me. We grab some drinks and Jason Heyward invites us all to his place for dinner. And I'm not one to turn down free food.

"Geez Rizz, it looks like you can afford a few more pieces of pizza. You look great" Heyward claims.

"Just trying to keep up with you" Anthony jokes.

"I'm serious though. You look amazing" Jason insists.

"You can thank the little army girl over there on her fourth piece of pizza" Anthony jokes.

"Hey. Any other time I eat really good. Being emotionally connected makes me hungry" I defend.

"I feel that" Jason nods. "So how did you meet our fearless leader" Jason Kipnis asks me.

"It's kinda funny" I admit. "We were both going to grab the last bag of goldfish in target before the lock down started. He insisted I had them and we just hit it off from there. We walked back to where we came from only to find out we were neighbors. Then the shut down happened and we got stuck alone in the apartment complex together. We started sharing meals and workout plans and memories and now we're..." I trail off. I look at Anthony who was just smiling as I talked about us. Only I don't really know what we are. "We're really good" I finally finish.

"Well that's good to hear. If and when the season starts again we hope you're still around" Heyward claims.

"I can't imagine being anywhere else" I admit.

After we were out way past curfew Anthony takes us home. We head up to his place before we say our goodbyes.

"Did you mean what you said earlier" he asks before I turn away.

"About what" I wonder.

"About staying" he finishes. He ha probably been internalizing that comment this whole time and I didn't even know it.

But I just smile at him as I walk back towards where he was standing. "I'm here" I promise as I cup his cheek. He places his hand on top of mine as he leans into it.

"For how long" he asks.

"Forever" I say. I feel him smile in my hand and it made me smile too.

"You're not lying to me" he asks.

"No Anthony, I'm not. I know now that I belong here. This city called to me and this is where I was meant to be. Helping the kids, making friends and finishing what I started. Finding new dreams to chase" I whisper as I step closer to him.

"New dreams" he asks.

"Yeah. Like you" I claim.

He doesn't say anything as I pull his face down. I place a soft kiss on the cheek I wasn't holding before letting him go. "I'll see you tomorrow" I tell him.

"You can't just-" he starts before letting out a sigh. "I'll see you tomorrow" he smirks.

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