The Windy City

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With baseball now all but over for the city of Chicago we all have to move on to new things instead of keeping ahold of the past. For many people it's now football season or time to focus on school, things like baseball to get your mind off of the important things.

Anthony's idea to move on from the heartbreak of baseball was to go out and take pictures. He's been wanting to get some couple pictures for a few weeks now but with the way life had been going it just hasn't happened. And now we have extra free time since we weren't planning to be in baseball mode for at least a few more weeks.

At first I didn't want to get the pictures taken, because while I love having pictures they're not usually of myself. And if they are they're candid, not posed and unnatural. But Anthony wanted to get some of us at Wrigley before they shut it down for the season and I'm sure my mom would kill for some cute pictures of us. So I give in and let him pull me all over the city to take pictures with a photographer Kris and Jess had suggested.

It gets about mid day and I was getting hungry. So we stop at Portillos because I was craving a Chicago dog and Anthony wanted a cake shake. We sit there and look through some of the pictures we had taken already. I have to admit, they were really good.

"I'll hand these back on a flash drive when I'm done editing. But honestly, there's not much that needs edited. You guys make a very beautiful couple" the photographer says making me blush.

"Aww, you're sweet" I smile. "Thank you."

"Of course! This has been the easiest photoshoot of I've had, especially with famous people" he claims.

"Well I'm glad we can make it a little easier for you" I smile.

After lunch we go and finish up with the pictures. We take some at the pier and the park and of course Wrigley too. We end the photo shoot on the boat which was kind of tricky. The boat doesn't really stop moving so getting a good shot was more difficult than the others. Plus there's not a ton of room to work with. But I believe we can get through this.

I try to adjust my hair so I would stop eating it but there was really no stopping it out here. I'm so used to it being slicked back in a bun I wasn't really sure how to handle it now that it's down and free. So Anthony gives me a hand and pushes some loose hairs out of my face.

"My god, I think I'm gonna have to cut my hair since I'm staying here. This wind is no joke" I giggle.

"I love your long hair, but I think you will be just as beautiful with short hair. And it'll take less time to do which means more time for me" he smirks.

"It's a win win" I tease.

Once my hair was under control we finish up with the pictures. The photographer said they will be ready in a few days and I hate how exited I was to see them once they were all done. It was a beautiful fall day in the city and we got lucky we got the weather to cooperate, because a lot of times it doesn't.

We drop the photographer back off on land and we return to the waters just for a little while. We have no plans or responsibilities for the rest of the day, so we decide to spend some time on the lake looking out over this amazing city.

I close my eyes for a few seconds and just feel the wind hit my face. I let out a long sigh that comes after a long day of smiling and laughing.

"Are you okay, do you need anything" Anthony asks as he leaves the pit.

"Do you have a blankie" I wonder and he smiles.

"I do, I'll be right back" he assures me.

He dissapears for a few seconds before coming back out with a blanket again. It was warmer for Chicago in October but you always gotta take into account that were on water and the wind was not holding back.

Anthony softly wraps the blanket around my shoulders before sitting down next to me. He rests my head on my shoulder as he too lets out a sigh after a long day.

"You didn't answer my first question" he tells me and I look at him weird.

"What do you mean" I question.

"I asked if you were okay and you didn't answer" he claims.

"What makes you think I wouldn't be okay" I counter.

"I know this isn't exactly how you wanted to spend an off day. You only did this because I wanted to, I just want to make sure you're okay" he explains.

"Oh sweetie" I say softly as I cup his chin. "If this was something I thought I couldn't handle you would be the first to know. And it's not that that I don't want pictures with you, I wish I could have every moment of our time captured on a camera for us to watch forever. But we can't do that, we wouldn't have time to watch that and make new memories too anyway. So having these pictures will be really nice. This way I can always remember how the worst times of my life quickly became the best times because of you. And I can cherish that forever" I explain.

"You sure it wasn't too much" he begs.

I place a soft kiss on his lips and he smiles a little. "Yes I'm sure" I promise him.

"I don't want to seem clingy or like I don't trust in what you're saying. I believe you. But I know you better than anyone and I know that doing things like this so hard for you. It takes a lot out of you. I'm just making sure you're happy" he explains himself.

"I am happy" I tell him. "But being with you is what makes me happy."

"You promise you're good" he insists.

"Yeah Anthony, I'm very happy. And I won't always be, and there isn't much you can do about it. There's times in my life where it all becomes too heavy, and if even you help me carry the baggage it'll be too much. And in those moments will be when I need you the most. You just being around, me knowing that you're here for me ready to put a smile on my face, it's the best feeling in the world. It's the finest but of security I have in this life and I'm so happy I found it in you" I promise.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now