Together Again

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It's the last game of the season and honestly, I was kind of relieved that this whole thing was about to be over. We were the only team in all of baseball to not have a positive covid test and it was hard to do that. We all did our part to stay safe but we gave up a lot in doing so. To say I was sad this "regular" season was close to being over is a unfortunate lie. I would take the 162 game season over this any day. But in the end we won the central and defied all odds people had of us being mediocre this year.

Skipper Rossy decided to give the normal starters the day off and we can cheer on the guys who haven't seen a lot of playing time can get some plays in. I liked playing this role because my job was to be loud and obnoxious, two things I seem to thrive on doing.

So I get dressed but I don't have the stress of getting ready. I look in my locker and smile when I see the bear Jazz gave me sitting there. I took it with me everywhere, he hasn't missed a game yet. Honestly I'm surprised that the thing still works with how much I make it talk. But I would do anything to hear her voice, because if I close my eyes it's almost like she's right here with me.

"Anthony" someone screams making me jump. I turn and see Kris coming towards me at a alarming pace.

"What's up stud" I question as he comes over to me.

"We got something to show you" he claims as he grabs my arm.

I set the bear back in my locker before letting him pull me away. I could have easily stopped him if I wanted to but he seemed really excited.

"What is this about" I ask cautiously.

"It's a surprise. I really think you're going to like this one" he claims.

"Can't be worst than the last one. I'm still getting glitter out of my carry on" I mumble. I let them plan something for my birthday ONE TIME and I end up with a glitter explosion all in my clothes and suitcase and hats. That was on my birthday and it's nearly two months later and that crap is still everywhere.

"This one will make any other surprise you've ever had seem bad" he claims. That's quite a accusation.

"Well then, lead the way" I insist.

We go throughout the tunnels of the white Sox visiting clubhouse trying to get out. Finally we come outside where it was bright and sunny. I shade my eyes with my hand as Kris continues to pull me around.

"Are we there yet" I ask a little tired from running around. He was extra excited and moving a little too quick for me.

"Yes" he claims as he stops.

I look around but I didn't see anything. I turn to him questionably as he just smiles down at me. "Is this a joke" I question.

"Turn around and find out" he claims.

So I do as I'm told but I nearly fall over when I do. I see Jazz standing there in her army uniform looking painfully good. You would have never known she spent the last two weeks and a few days not sleeping trying to get everyone what they needed to start all over.

Once the shock wears away I break away and dart over to her. She tosses her crutches to the side before she jumps into my arms. She laughs as I softly set her on the ground not trying to mess her leg up even more. I roll over so she was on top of me and I wasn't crushing her since she was pretty petite. As soon as I could I press my lips to her like I had wanted to since the middle of this month.

"I can't believe you're here" I whisper on her lips. My fingers tangled in her hair as I pulled her down.

"I landed at O'Hare a hour ago. I got my things and came straight here. I didn't even think they would let me come see you" she admits.

"Oh I would have found a way" I assure her.

"I don't doubt it" she giggles.

I press my lips to hers once again to make up for lost time. Then I get a painful reminder that this is real life, and in real life I play as a child with a bunch of other children.

"Thatta boy Tony" Jason Heyward yells and we break apart. I see Jazz's cheeks turn red as she retreats a little.

"I'm gonna kill him" I mumble and she slowly gets off of me.

I help her up and I see a few of the guys enjoyed the show. Some of them had their camera out capturing my friends ruining a really precious moment.

"Did you guys do this" I ask as we walk over. Jazz didn't really need the crutches anymore, they're more of a... well a crutch. After traveling all morning I'm sure she was sore but she got around just fine.

"It was Jazz's idea but we helped her out. It wasn't easy convincing them to let her in. But she passed the covid test and you aren't starting so they said why the hell not" Kris explains.

"Well this is my favorite day all season now. So thank you" I insist.

"Of course" Jason cheers.

"And I don't want to sound like an ass, but I would really like some alone time with my girlfriend" I beg. It's been so long and no offense, but I had way too many intimate moments with my teammates since Jazz had been gone. I was ready to have a heart to heart and a nice meal with my girlfriend, not Javy.

"We get the message" Kris assures me as he winks.

"Thanks guys" I nod.

The all leave us be and I turn back to Jazz. I pull her into a huge huge and I close my eyes. Only this time when I open them it know it's actually her.

"I've missed you so much" I whisper in her ear.

"I missed you more than I missed anything. I felt like I might as well had been over seas" she admits.

"I can't lie, I hated every second you were gone. It's been so hard these past few days, not knowing when I would see you again. I was going insane" I insist.

"Well I'm back and I'm here for a long time. I can't promise I won't leave again, the nation always seems to be in some kind of disarray. But none of that matters because I will always find my way home, to you" she promises.

I inhale a deep breath before smiling so big. This is exactly what I had missed since she had left. This sense of completion. And I never wanted to let her go.

"I love you so much" I remind her.

"Through thick and thin" she smiles up to me.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now