I'll Be Back

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While I couldn't do much with the National Guard right now being out of commission and all, I still was trying to do what I can to stay connected and be a part of it. So after one of my doctors appointments for my leg to check on progress and get my stitches taken out I stick around and talk to some of my national guard friends who were still around the hospital handling the covid floors handing out aid and helping keep the hospital under control. It was a lot less chaotic around here now-a-days, there wasn't people dying around every corner and we were no longer over flowing. So the need for the national guard here wasn't all that vital anymore. We were more for regulation and handing out aid provided by the state than anything. But it was still a crisis and that's what the national guard is here for, national emergencies. So when they're not gassing peaceful protestors they were here doing good as they should.

"You're looking better" Lawrence notices while I lean on my crutches against a wall and I laugh.

"I had a excuse to get up off the couch today, I'm in a lot better mood now" I admit.

"How's your rest been" Abby wonders.

"Awful" I admit. "I don't understand the concept of rest. I haven't rested since I was a baby. And there's a reason for that, now that I'm am forced to lay on the couch all day and try to absentmindedly exist. It's not so that bad when Anthony is here, he keeps my mind off things better than anything out there. But then he leaves and I'm alone and in pain and scared" I explain.

"That's your own fault" Abby teases.

"It's my fault because I have the balls to do what needed to be done" I question.

"Okay, you have a valid point. But you're not missing out on anything here. I'm pretty sure this is the worst position for national guard in this city even if it is the most important. I've seen ten people get taken out in body bags already and it's only 9 am" she shakes her head.

"Yeah I don't miss the mortality aspect this place has. A lot of these people come in and they don't come out. They'll never see their family again, it's awful" I sigh.

While everyone can believe in what they want when it comes to this virus, for the people like me and my friends who has seen first hand how awful this pandemic really is there is no denying that it's real. We don't get to be in the rooms but you can hear the ventilators going and nurses and doctors running all over the hospital every time someone starts to code. It's real to the doctor who took her own life because working with this virus was so awful. It's real to the people who risk their lives coming here to try and help save other people while putting their own life at risk. They don't get to see their family, they don't get to go home at some points because they have to quarantine. They've been isolated for almost six months now not willing to put someone they love at risk.

They're the true hero's here, and I don't have a doubt in my mind that they are. These nurses and doctors and supporting staff has been doing inhuman things when we needed them the most. As a solider I get a lot of praise, but these men and women at the hospital are true hero's.

"So when can we expect you back" Lawrence questions.

I just shrug as I let out a sigh. "I'm not sure. It depends on how my recovery goes. I got my stitches out today but I'm still on crutches for at least three weeks. But I do start physical therapy so at least I won't be sitting in the apartment wondering when Anthony gets back" I joke.

"Well we miss you, a lot" Abby claims making me smile. I didn't think anyone besides my family missed me. It's nice to know I was still wanted around here. Makes me rest a little bit easier.

"I miss you guys too. I'll be here a few more times to check up on my leg so I'll be seeing you around" I promise.

After catching up with them I decided to go to the store and pick up some food for the apartment. At least this lay-off gives me time to make healthy meals and work on my arms in our home gym a little. Once I pick up food and some wine I head home. I hobble my way in with the bags attached to my crutches. It was a struggle but I got it.

I finally get everything set down and start to put things away to the best of my ability. Anthony comes in and he helps me get things where they needed to be.

"You should be resting your leg after being on it all morning" he insists.

"I'm wounded, not dead" I remind him.

"Your leg won't heal if your always on it" he tries.

"That's not how gun shot wounds work Anthony" I giggle. "It's gonna hurt no matter what I do. I might as well get things done if the pain is all the same" I explain.

"I can try to make dinner tonight" he tries.

"I would like to live" I joke as he laughs. "But I'm not really in the mood of cooking after being out all day either. How about we order pizza and watch Hamilton" I say.

"How many times have you watched that" he questions.

"Don't worry about it" I smirk and he laughs.

"Alright. I will call up some pizza from downstairs and you go to the couch and rest" he insists.

"Get breadsticks too" I cheer.

"Go sit down first" he tries.

I give in because I was pretty exhausted from getting around all day on crutches. I kick up my feet and pull down my favorite blanket from the back of the couch. Anthony puts up the rest of the groceries before calling up some pizza. Once he pays and they bring it by Anthony sets all the food out on the table between the couch and the tv. I fix myself my plate and start Hamilton for what has to be the twentieth time. But it was so catchy and the way the play plays out is so entertaining. I'm sure Anthony is over this movie but it has American history and catchy songs, what more can a veteran ask for?

We get about halfway through the movie before Anthony had to go to his game. So he gets ready and comes to my spot on the couch before pulling me into a kiss. He steps away to leave but I pull him back for one more kiss.

"Kick some ass for me" I tell him and he smiles extra big.

"Yes Ma'am" he winks.

Through Thick and Thin (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now