The Competition

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Bai Qian

On a stage and facing the crowd that had gathered below her, Bai Qian kept her eyes down and her hands carefully folded in her lap. Completely surrounding her, was a dark blue curtain that reached from the ceiling to the floor while on either side, were her rivals for the end of year Prestigious Grand Master Taoist Debate.

Once a week, for three solid months, she arrived to debate the issues laid out by the judges below. And rather than her name, each contestant was given a number and that number was what was called out when it was their turn to answer. This was to ensure anonymity should they lose their place in the competition and therefore keeping their pride intact but mainly so the competitors could not use personal friendships against their rivals or even be intimidated by social standing and rank. It was a fair competition this way, especially for newcomers like herself who might feel a little overwhelmed, especially if her rivals were highly ranked. It was also an incentive for fresh blood to enter which didn't happen as often as they would have liked.

She really didn't care if her identity was made known or not, but seeing as she had no idea who she was up against anymore than the rest of them, then she happily kept herself hidden behind the curtains.

Though it was expected that the winner would be announced after the final debate and the final two identities made known. Second place was no defeat, to get second place was just as good as first, and with one more to knock out of the competition, Bai Qians smile rose for the first time while wondering if her brother was in the audience.

She couldn't see anyone through the curtains, and they couldn't see her, but the thought that Bai Zhen was there and perhaps rooting for the only female voice in the competition, gave her a sudden flare of satisfaction. And that is because he considered himself to be an authority on Taoism while repeatedly knocking back every attempt she made to prove him wrong while also insisting that she just wasn't capable of debating anything intelligently including Taoism. And that of course, had her entering the competition just to prove him wrong.

Now waiting for the question that all three of them would have to answer, she quietly went about her little routine of stilling her mind because she had a feeling the next question would be both an easy one and a hard one, so she did what she could to prepare herself for it.

"Number 1. Please define Yin and Yang?'

That was the question and it was just as she expected. Though it was not her number, so she sat back and waited for the elderly male voice on her left to answer with bated breath.

Listening as he gave a safe answer, one that anyone would give in a competition like this in order to win a place in the top two, she screwed her face up. She had been hoping for a little risk taking on his part in order to give her something to debate, but merely stating that Yin was generally accepted to be female and Yang was male, even though this could change depending on circumstances, and were two opposing forces of cosmic energy that governed the health and state of all nature, really didn't give her anything to bite into. So instead, she pinned her hopes on the younger male voice to her right whose turn it was next.

"The Universe is governed by a cosmic duality that can be observed in all things as two opposing and complimenting principles." the younger man on her right answered which gave her cause to smile.

His answer though almost the same as the other mans, did give a little more definition, so there was something for her to add to, but it was still a safe answer and feeling a little feisty she decided it was time to up the stakes and take that risk.

"Number three, please answer the question." the judges voice called out having taken too long to think on her answer which quickly had her taking a breath before giving what she hoped was enough to get her through.

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