Chapter 1

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Walking into the bullpen, I smiled at McGee and sat at my desk beside his, asking,

"Tony isn't back, yet?" McGee chuckled and rolled his eyes, typing on his computer. He didn't respond, but we both knew that Tony was likely chasing after the woman he told us about earlier that day. Looking around, Bishop was talking quietly with Jimmy and Gibbs was gone, probably on a coffee run. Opening my email, I saw an email from Vance and tilted my head, confused. Opening the email, I felt my heart sink;

'Special Agent (Last Name), the FBI has requested your assistance on an old case you worked. Joseph Robert Kepler. I've attached the file below. We have a meeting with the FBI agent you'll be working with at 3:00 after I return from lunch. See you then. Director Leon Vance'

"Who is Joseph Kepler?" I heard Gibbs' voice ask, making me slam my laptop shut. When I looked back at him, his eyebrow was raised and I rubbed my neck, chuckling nervously. Those beautiful blue eyes were focused on me and I couldn't escape his question.

"He...uh...He was a psychopath I tracked during my time in the FBI." I replied, looking at the time and realizing how close to the meeting time it was. Standing up, Gibbs was much closer to me than I realized and he didn't back down, continuing,

"Why is Vance emailing you about him now?"

"Apparently, the FBI needs my help. Vance told me last minute because he knows I'd have declined otherwise."


"..." Choosing not to reply, I grabbed my phone and went up to Vance's office. Gibbs didn't follow me, but I knew that this wasn't the end of the conversation.

Vance was opening the door as I was greeting his receptionist and he smiled, starting,

"(First Name), I'm glad you came."

"Didn't give me much of a choice there, Director." I teased, making him chuckle and shrug, as he replied,

"They've been emailing me and you for weeks. Couldn't ignore them forever." Nodding, I walked through into his office and there stood Special Agent Micheal Johnson. Holding back a frown, I stood against the wall closest to Vance's desk and asked,

"Why does the FBI need my help, Micheal?" Vance opened the file and replied,

"Apparently, your expertise on Kepler is needed." Micheal added in,

"Kepler isn't killing anymore."

"That's impossible." I replied, crossing my arms and feeling the irritation rise in me. Vance was reading over the file out loud,

"Joseph Robert Kepler, suspected of kidnapping, torturing, and killing seven brunette, blue eyes woman, and carving two letters in their backs started after (Last Name) started working the case...The first two letters of your last name (First Name)?" Huffing, I looked away from him and replied, quietly,

"About three weeks after I started the case. Two weeks after that, the killings stopped..."

"But then Kepler turned his attention to a new set of women, no longer brunette with blue eyes. (Last Name)'s hair color, eye color, and physical build." Micheal informed, crossing his legs and pointing his near black eyes to me. Huffing, I went to argue and Vance asked,

"Why isn't this guy in prison?"

"He's got friends in high places. Not to mention, there isn't a shred of physical evidence."

"Then how-"

"Material witness that was killed by an "accident" at work."

"..." The silence in the office was palpable and Vance was worried by this psychopath. He seemed to have one focus now, one of his best Agents.

"There is no way Kepler isn't killing." I argued, getting upset by this and Micheal sighed,

"He had one request the last time an agent had contact with him...You. (Last Name), if you don't help. You're in danger. You're safer working this case with all eyes on you. Because he has eyes on you."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"He's been to your house..."

"Like fuck he has!" I growled, tensing up and Micheal pulled up the video of the last interaction between Kepler and the agent,

Kepler: 'Hello, Agent.'

Agent: 'Kepler, you wanted this meeting.'

Kepler: 'Yes, well. I was wondering what happened to that pretty face. What was her name...(Last Name)?'

Agent: 'She's not on your case anymore.'

Kepler: 'May want to get her back.'

Agent: 'What does that mean?'

Kepler: 'Wouldn't want her to get hurt in her home.'

Agent: '!!'

Kepler: 'I mean she does live at (house/apartment address), correct?'

When he stopped the tape, I felt the color drain from my face and I whispered,

"I'm going to help."

"Thought you'd say that." Micheal finished, standing up and talking to Vance. However, I couldn't hear anything over the sound of blood rushing to my ears. I didn't even see Micheal leave, but when his office door closed, I heard Vance call my name. Snapping me back into reality, I caught his eyes and he asked,

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I need a favor."


"Any secure hotels you can recommend?"

"Of course."

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