The Rescue

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Imagine... how proud would he be, had i eliminated his threat once and for all." Professor Moody glared at me, walking dangerously towards the corner that I'd crammed myself in. His face was melting and I didn't even have my wand on me. I was still recovering from what happened in the maze and now this had my mind fuzzy. He raised his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" I heard and his wand flew out of the door. It was a girl's voice, "Stupefy!" She yelled and Professor Moody flew across the room. I recognized the blazing red hair that flew in. Ginny's doe eyes found me and she walked around the large trunk to me. She handed me my wand.

"Are you alright?" She looked at me worried.

"Yeah., yeah." I nodded, barely able to speak. I looked beside her and Professor Moody was back on his feet, silently glaring at her. That dropped my heart. Ginny followed my gaze and then suddenly stood in front of me. She was protecting me.


"Sh." She shushed me and then Professor Moody flew across the room again on a chair and Professors Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall walked in.

"Severus." Professor Dumbledore pinned Moody to the chair. Professor Snape opened a bottle and tipped it gently into the forcefully opened jaw of Moody. Just a couple drops and he pulled back. Ginny's hand slid down my arm and laced fingers with mine. She hissed looking down at our hands.

"You're ice cold." She whispered.

"S-Sorry." I mumbled, thinking about letting her hand go but it was so warm, I only clutched tighter. I looked over her.

"Do you know who I am?" Professor Dumbledore roared at Moody.

"Albus Dumbledore." He grumbled painfully.

"Are you Alastair Moody?" He inquired further.

"No." Moody was in pain.

"Where is he? Is he in this room? Is he in this room?" Professor Dumbledore shook him hard. Moody didn't say anything and then all the Professors turned to us or rather the chest in front of us.

"Harry, Ginevra, come around." Professor Dumbledore ordered. Ginny dragged me very gently around and we stood beside Professor McGonagall. Professor Snape waved his wand and chest snapped open but kept opening up like a china doll, revealing several more small chests opening on top of the other until after ten, it stopped. We walked around Professor Dumbledore and looked in.

"Alastair, are you alright?" Professor Dumblefore yelled in the well where at the botton sat a Moody in a wrecked state.

"Polyjuice Potion." Professor Snape spoke, slightly sniffing Moody's flask.

"I suppose we know who's been stealing from you Severus."

I glared at Professor Snape and he returned it.

"Hang on. If thats Moody then who's..." I started but soon paused as we turned to the Moody on the chair. He was writhing and now his face was completely scrambled. I hissed at the sight and Ginny's fingers tightened in mine while the other hand of hers held her wand up. Since when was Ginny Weasley so... well, forthcoming like. Moody grumbled and writhe until he screamed and his head dropped. Ginny leaned in to see who it was and he charged at her. Dumbledore pushed him back to the chair as I tugged Ginny away from her attacker. She huffed, colliding in me.

"Are you alright?" I whispered. She nodded.

"Barty Crouch Jr." Professor Dumbledore assessed the familiar offender.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now