The Fight And Break

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Ginny didnt show for breakfast the morning after we'd won the last Quidditch game of the year. When she came and told me, we'd won, I, without care that the whole Gryfindor Commons was there, kissed her. That was the most intimate thing I'd done and after that, we went for a long walk by the lake out and snuggled up against a tree for a while, just enjoying a calm air that we both seemed to have needed. She was calmer, a little better and the best part was, so was I. I'd gotten the memory. I'd learnt what a Horcrux was and things seemed to be moving forward.

Including the fact that I was falling hard for Ginny Weasley and a part of me couldn't wait to tell her that. She didn't tell me what she and Dumbledore talked about after I left and I pushed once. When she strictly told me that she couldn't discuss, I understood and knew that she would say when the time was right.

I waited for a while but no sign of her.

"Where is she?" I asked a busy Hermoine. She was buried in her book.

"Im sure she's busy." Hermoine's brows bounced as she kept her nose in the book, "Just eat your breakfast."

"She didn't say she wouldn't be coming last night." I added.

"She told me." Hermoine closed her book, "She was thrilled last night." That made my heart flutter. She was?

"Thats good... right?" I leaned in muttering.

"Honestly, boys can be very thick." She shook her head. I was still waiting on an answer, "Yes. That's good. Especially these days since you both have been going through a lot for a long time now."

"Then where is she?" I turned to the great hall's entrance again and found her trudging to us, fixing her robe around her neck. Her hair were left lose and she was looking around, blowing breaths. She found me in a few minutes and found a spot next to me.

"What happened to you?"

"Where have you been?" Hermoine leaned in.

"Sick." She gulped, picking up the fresh juice that came forth her in a chalice and drank it.

"Sick?" Ron whispered, "Out with Dumbledore again?" She looked up from the chalice to me and then him.

She nodded and that's when I noticed her very slightly purple lips. More juice poured into her chalice and she drank it further. More juice appeared and Hermoine and I stared at each other as she gulped down fourth cup of juice.

"Ginny?" Hermoine whispered.

"Hmm?" She was shivering.

"Where'd you go?" Ron asked a little grim.

"I had to do something, alright?"

"For what?"

"For Dumbledore. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go vomit." She grunted, hopping out from the bench and walking fast towards the exit. I looked at them. I was about to get up when Ron called for me.

"What?" I turned to him.

"Get her out of this. She's going to get herself killed. She is way too much involved in all of this and I want you to push her out of this. I can't lose my little sister in this mess."

"Ron..." Hermione started but he raised a hand.

"When she was coming for Hogwarts, she was excited about levitation spells, brewing potions and holding a wand. She's supposed to be playing Quidditch and enjoying her days as a fifth year. But here she is, werewolf, vomiting and in pain, probably inflicted in some task Dumbledore assigned her because she is busy in this war. She needs to put this away. For her own good. Tell her to leave. Please. I don't care. Just ask to stop." He got up and left.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now