New Book!

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Eddie Gideon!

A part of Hinny in many ways and a great character to have his own story and life that played alongside our beloved couple. I've released the first few chapters to the book and really, really hope that you will be excited to look at the life of our little Ed.

Gideon-Macy Through The Years is a branch extension from Hinny Through the Years. Meaning, the storyline would be familiar but from Mister Gideon's point of view and further into his own. Don't worry, Hinny's a major part of this story as well but I was too excited about this little side character who did catch Mr. And Mrs. Potter's eye and remained their most loyal friend through the years.

Gideon-Macy Through The Years
Stay Tuned, dear readers!

Gideon-Macy Through The Years Stay Tuned, dear readers!

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Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now